ChaoticMonki (Cry) Imagine #1 for Faye

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You were running.

You reconised the halway you were in from the video game Amnesia: The Dark Descent. You were in Brennenburg Castle. You heard a growl from behind you and you knew it was the Grunt. The terrifying monster from the game. The halway was dark, and your lantern was out of oil. You knew these things without checking.

The monster growled again. It was getting closer, and you were getting tired.

You tripped on the rug at your feet. The monster approached you, growling. The closer it got, the more human the growls sounded, until it was speaking.

"Faye.....Faye.....Faye" It whispered, raising it's claw, about to strike.

"FAYE!" It screamed as it's claw came flying towards you. You screamed out just before it made impact.

You woke up to Cry's worried face. You could hear screaming, but after a few seconds you realised it was your own.

"Faye?" Cry whispered after about 30 seconds.

"Yeah?" You whispered back breathlessly.

"You were screaming in your sleep, ya know. Woke me up." He said matter of factly, his beautiful eyes staring into yours.

"Sorry. Bad dream....." You dazed off, his eyes mezmerising you. 

You were one of the few people that knew what Cry looked like. He never showed his face on the internet, and in public, no one would recognisie him anyway. He did wear his mask occasionaly. You thought it was cute.

Cry leaned towards you, closer and closer until your lips met in a passionate kiss. He pulled you closer to him, and you wrapped your fingers in his soft brown hair.

"I love you." You breathed.

" I love you too. Don't worry about bad dreams. I would never let anyone or anything hurt you." He whispered in your ear. 

You lived at home with your parents, but you stayed at Cry's, your boyfriend, house last night. You two were going to spend the day together.

"Wanna play some video games?" He asked with a goofy grin on his face.

"Of course!" You laughed, pulling the covers back and jumping out of bed. You skipped into the kitchen. "But first, breakfast!"

"Yes!" Cry cheered. "I'm so hungry!"

You made some pancakes, and then you went into the loungeroom together to eat them.

"What sould we play first?" You asked, giggling at cry who had managed to get whipped cream on his nose.

"Let's play Slender! I love watching you get scared." He winked at you.

"Oh please, it's not that scary!" You lied. That game was terrifying!

"Well, I dare you to play it with the lights off and headphones on!" He challenged.

"Fine!" You giggled.

So, after breakfast, you went into his room and turned on his computer, as he set to work finding his headphones, and makint the room as dark as possible, closing the blinds and door, and turning the light off.

After playing for a few minutes, you saw Slenderman. 

You screamed as loud as you could, and turned around to see that Cry had dissapeared.

"C-c-cry?" You stuttered, scared. You tried to turn the lights on, but discovered the power wasn't working.

"Cry!" You cried out, scared. You opened his bedroom door and went out into the hallway. It was pitch black. All the curtains had been closed.

You walked to the end of the hallway, and stuck on the door was a note.

1 out of 8 notes collected

You were terrifyed. Had Cry done this?

"Cry, this isnt funny." You tried to sound serious, but failed, your voice wavering.

You opened the door and walked into the kitchen.


It was the door you had just closed behind you.

You jumped about three feet into the air, screaming, then curled up into a ball behind the kitchen counter, almost in tears. You stuck your head up, the room was empty, but there was a note on the kitchen counter.

2 out of 8 notes collected.

And so, you searched the house from head to toe, looking for these notes. You paused reguarly, evrytime you heard a noise. The whole time, almost in tears, you were screaming reguarly.

The seventh page had something written on it. It read:

The fourth page is with the faceless man.

Your first thought was Cry. People didn't know what he looked like.

But then you thought Slenderman.

Confused and scared, you walked into the kitchen to get a drink, as you were very shaky.

As you were walking back into the loungeroom, someone snaked their arms around your waist, lifted you off the ground and put their hand over your mouth. You screamed, or tried to anyway.

"CRY!" You yelled. "CRY!" You were hysterical by now, screaming and pulling at the hands that held you.

The figure kissed you on the neck.

You stopped screaming.

You could hear the figure laughing. You knew that laugh.

"Cry!" You screamed, half furious, half relived.

He put you down and you turned around and wrapped your arms around him.

"I hate you." You mumbled, kissing him.

"You're so adorable when you're scared." He smiled into the kiss.

"Can we watch a movie now?" You giggled

"Sure! But I have to go turn the power back on." He grined.

You laughed.

You ended up watching Paranormal Activity, but it turned into a make out session anyway.

"How did I ever end up with such an amazing, beautiful, funny, talented and and adorable girlfriend?" He asked, gazing into your eyes.

"How did I ever end up with a boyfriend half the interent would kill for?" you kissed him quickly on the lips.

He laughed that amazing laugh you fell in love with years ago.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The two of you fell asleep together on the couch.

A/N- So yeah. 

Hope you like it Faye! It's.... different. Yeah :) Cry is hard to write about beacuse you have to clevery tie in the whole never seen his face thing.

This took me 4 hours to write. (#Shortattentionspan)

Love you guys! Also, I'm starting a new 1D fanfic, so please go an read it? KTHNXBAI! <3 

- Ruby Rose xx

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