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1. "My Son, he who striveth to withdraw himself from obedience, withdraweth himself also from
grace, and he who seeketh private advantages, loseth those which are common unto all.

If a man submit not freely and willingly to one set over him, it is a sign that his flesh is not yet
perfectly subject to himself, but often resisteth and murmureth.

Learn therefore quickly to submit
thyself to him who is over thee, if thou seekest to bring thine own flesh into subjection.

For the outward enemy is very quickly overcome if the inner man have not been laid low.

There is no more grievous and deadly enemy to the soul than thou art to thyself, if thou art not led by the Spirit.

Thou must not altogether conceive contempt for thyself, if thou wilt prevail against flesh and blood.

Because as yet thou inordinately lovest thyself, therefore thou shrinkest from yielding thyself to the will of others.

2. "But what great thing is it that thou, who art dust and nothingness, yieldest thyself to man for God's sake, when I, the Almighty and the Most High, who created all things out of nothing, subjected Myself to man for thy sake?

I became the most humble and despised of men, that by My humility thou mightest overcome thy pride.

Learn to obey, O dust! Learn to humble thyself, O earth and clay, and to bow thyself beneath the feet of all.

Learn to crush thy passions, and to
yield thyself in all subjection.

3. "Be zealous against thyself, nor suffer pride to live within thee, but so show thyself subject and of no reputation, that all may be able to walk over thee, and tread thee down as the clay in the streets.

What hast thou, O foolish man, of which to complain?

What, O vile sinner, canst thou answer those who speak against thee, seeing thou hast so often offended God, and many a time hast deserved hell?

But Mine eye hath spared thee, because thy soul was precious in My sight; that thou mightest know My love, and mightest be thankful for My benefits; and that thou
mightest give thyself altogether to true subjection and humility, and patiently bear the contempt
which thou meritest."

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