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1. The Voice of the Disciple
Behold I come unto Thee, O Lord, that I may be blessed through Thy gift, and be made joyful in Thy holy feast which Thou, O God, of Thy goodness hast prepared for the poor.

Behold in Thee is all that I can and ought to desire, Thou art my salvation and redemption, my hope and strength, my honour and glory.

Therefore rejoice the soul of Thy servant this day, for unto Thee,
O Lord Jesus, do I lift up my soul.

I long now to receive Thee devoutly and reverently, I desire to bring Thee into my house, so that with Zacchaeus I may be counted worthy to be blessed by Thee and numbered among the children of Abraham.

My soul hath an earnest desire for Thy Body, my heart longeth to be united with Thee.

2. Give me Thyself and it sufficeth, for besides Thee no consolation availeth.

Without Thee I cannot be, and without Thy visitation I have no power to live.

And therefore I must needs draw
nigh unto Thee often, and receive Thee for the healing of my soul, lest haply I faint by the way if I be deprived of heavenly food.

For so Thou, most merciful Jesus, preaching to the people and
healing many sick, didst once say, I will not send them away fasting to their own homes, lest they faint by the way.

Deal therefore now to me in like manner, for Thou left Thyself for the
consolation of the faithful in the Sacrament. For Thou art the sweet refreshment of the soul, and
he who shall eat Thee worthily shall be partaker and inheritor of the eternal glory.

Necessary indeed it is for me, who so often slide backwards and sin, so quickly wax cold and faint, to
renew, cleanse, enkindle myself by frequent prayers and penitences and receiving of Thy sacred Body and Blood lest haply by too long abstinence, I fall short of my holy resolutions.

3. For the imaginations of man's heart are evil from his youth,(4) and except divine medicine succour him, man slideth away continually unto the worse.

The Holy Communion therefore
draweth us back from evil, and strengtheneth us for good.

For if I now be so negligent and
lukewarm when I communicate [or celebrate], how should it be with me, if I receive not this medicine, and sought not so great a help?

[And though I am not every day fit nor well prepared to celebrate, I will nevertheless give diligent heed at due season, to receive the divine
mysteries, and to become partaker of so great grace].

For this is the one principal consolation of a faithful soul, so long as it is absent from Thee in mortal body, that being continually mindful of its God, it receiveth its Beloved with devout spirit.

4. Oh wonderful condescension of Thy pity surrounding us, that Thou, O Lord God, Creator and Quickener of all spirits, deignest to come unto a soul so poor and weak, and to appease its hunger with Thy whole Deity and Humanity.

Oh happy mind and blessed soul, to which is granted devoutly to receive Thee its Lord God, and in so receiving Thee to be filled with all
spiritual joy!

Oh how great a Lord doth it entertain, how beloved a Guest doth it bring in, how delightful a Companion doth it receive, how faithful a Friend doth it welcome, how beautiful and exalted a Spouse, above every other Beloved, doth it embrace, One to be loved above all things that can be desired!

Oh my most sweet Beloved, let heaven and earth and all the glory of them, be silent in Thy presence; seeing whatsoever praise and beauty they have it is of Thy gracious bounty; and they shall never reach unto the loveliness of Thy Name, Whose Wisdom is

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