And it begins

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Mia pov

Bitch what? I no I didn't just hear what I think I heard, does he think the baby his tey said

He not sure but it's a strong possibility

Are you sure you ready to be a step mother?

I don't no tey, but I do no that I love my man, this situation happened before we became serious and I'm all in

If you gone hold it down,Then what we talking about let's go grab lunch your treat

Lol Ok baby mama

On a serious note you really need to prepare yourself this will not be easy

I nodded taking in what she said

August pov

You no what I'm really not trying to hear nothin you saying pack yo shit and get the fuck on kaylin I'm done.

August I have no where to go I'm pregnant and homeless trey said I can't stay with him your my lady hope.

There a woman shelter about a hour up the rode I suggest you get going so you beat the darkness I said slamming my door. The nerve of that bitch.
Phone rings
What's good champ everything straight?

Na bro mom just a stroke I need you to get here and now, I gotta go.

I was standing in the living room with the phone to my ear In complete shock not my mama I whispered with tears falling down my face

Chris pov

My girl wants to meet you

For what I aint fuck her

Look Trina watch yo mouth she just want us all to be on the same page and well I agree she's about to be my wife and some boundaries needs to be discussed

I don't care about none of that shit

Well your loss she a great woman and is going to be around our child weather you like it or not this was your chance to get to no her click

Calls Mia
Hey babe call me back when you can I have to tell you something that can't wait love you and hope you and tey having a good day.

..,,,,,,,short filler I'm trying to see how many readers I have

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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