Grand opening pt 2

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Mia and tey pretend she has a baby bump

Tey pov

I was looking around and mingling when I seen Mia rush out her dressing room upset so I walked to her as quickly as I could

M baby what's wrong

It's nothing tey nothing can ruin this night for me not even Chris she said

Where this fool at I said getting up to stand but I was instantly brought back down by a sharp pain

You ok tey

Yea I'm fine it's just those Braxton hicks contractions I said trying to calm her down

You sure because Tae is in the dressing room

No girl now back to you what's goin - gco

Good evening everyone Chris said on the mic I smiled at him while Mia rolled her eyes these two are something else

Tonight we congratulate the woman in my life on achieving her dream of opening this studio Tamia can you come up here baby. M looked at me I guess wanting to no if she should go up there and I quietly told her to get her stubborn ass up there now

August pov

I watch Mia walk up to where Chris was and my jaw clenched she looked beautiful and I can't lie she looked good with him my thoughts were interrupted when I felt someone grab my hand and it was kaylin

Hey baby what did I miss she said pecking my lips

Nothing it just getting started

Good she said turning to face chis and Mia and so did I

Mia remember three years ago you were taking a business class and they made you create a company and make a business plan  and you got an A on that you was so happy and told me that you were going to make this happen and I didn't take you serious but look at what you did  you made your dreams a reality. I'm so proud of you seeing you take charge and go for what you want makes my heart smile  I love you Tamia Bradshaw  and Mia was all smiles and mouthed the words I love you back to him I can't lie I'm still jealous because honestly I gave up on someone that was worth keeping in my life

Tamia pov

I have something for you Chris said , could I have everyone turn to left and  face the TV.

I faced the tv and a slide show began and the first set if pictures was when took a trip to cancun I had just finished my finals and that was a much needed break

......Flashback to cancun Mia and Chris are laying on a beach....

Thanks for bringing me here Chris I needed this  so lucky to have a friend like you

It's nothing M being in your presence is enough  but I have a question

What's up I said

Do you ever think about us?

You mean like relationship?


Honestly yea but I just have so much going on between school and basketball I would ruin us like i did with aug

Slow down I'm not asking you to be with me now I no your plate full just when you clear off that main dish I'm sliding in there and i will never be august

I laugh and cuddled into his chest

Seriously doe M if you give me another chance you want regret it if I get you back I will never let you slip away again he said kissing my forehead
Flash back over

As I continued to look at the rest of the slide show I thought about how stupid our lil argument was  my thoughts were interrupted when I saw a picture of the slide show and it was a ring I turned to face Chris and he was on one knee and my emotional ass started crying

Augs pov

I was in a complete trance as was the rest of the the crowd and Chris began to speak again

Baby I've had this ring for two years now  I remember going shopping with you for school and you kept going back to that store to look this ring but wouldn't let me buy it for you I'm glad you didn't it makes this even more special Mia I love you with every Bone in me your the air that I breath and I cant go another day without you being my wife to be will you marry me

Yes I'll marry you  and he put the ring in hey finger and kissed her 

Baby your hurting me  I heard kaylin say

I didn't realize I was still holding her Hand

Let's get you some ice for your hand and I need to refill my drink  we turn to walk towards the beverages and I heard a male say baby what you doing here  me and kaylin  turn around and See trey  I dapped up trey  and ask what he was doing here

I came to support Mia we went to school  together I wanted to bring my lovely girlfriend but for some reason she here with you

Who kaylin

Yes this is my girlfriend

I had to walk away before I did something I would regret

August  wait kaylin said grabbing my hand and I yanked my friend from her and told her not to       Fucking  touch me

please let me explain kaylin yelled gaining everyone's attention

"look nobody is ruining this night yal can take this mess outside or kill it now" i heard chris voice say

i looked at trey and told him he could have her and walked outside to clear my head.

CHANGES(SEQUEL TO SOMETHING NEW)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora