Chapter One

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-Third Person Point of View-

Humming quietly to himself, Jihoon sat in the middle of the dorm living room. He was playing with his newest stuffed animal named Cloud. She was a pink and purple fluffy stuffed cat that his band member, Jeonghan, had gifted him as a gag gift earlier that day. Saying the cat reminded him of Jihoon in the band's earlier days. The little one was quite excited to have a new stuffed toy, naming her Cloud since she resembled one, but he tried not to show it since no one knew that he was a little. So, instead, while everyone was asleep, Jihoon took out the stuffed cat and ventured into the unknown.

"Wes 'afta save Pwincess Jibewy fwom da eeval evee (We have to save Princess Jiberry from the evil tv)," Jihoon exclaimed, pointing to a small stuffed penguin that was hidden half behind the tv.

Standing with Cloud in his arms, Jihoon stumbled over to the tv creeping as if he was a spy along the way. Then giggling when he tripped over his own two feet and fell onto the plush carpet. Getting hurt was a common occurrence that no longer bothered him. Instead he chose to dramatize it.

"Oh no! 'Oonie 'uwt (Hoonie hurt)," Jihoon exclaimed, dramatically clutching his arm while clumsily getting to his feet, "Don wowy (don't worry)! 'Oonie go on (Hoonie go on)!"

Running over to the tv, stealth now aside, Jihoon grabbed Princess Jiberry and held her into the air as if he got a prize. Before gasping when he realized Cloud was on the ground, still where she landed when he fell. Rushing to her, he continued when both stuffed animals where safely in his grasp.

"Cwoud (Cloud)! Wes won (We won)! Pwincess Jibewy saf (Princess Jiberry safe)!" Jihoon cheered, hugging his stuffed animals to his chest, and jumping up and down happily.

The celebration was cut short when someone entered the living room. The person coughed slightly to announce presence. When he looked up, Joshua was looking back at him.

"What are you doing?" Joshua asked curiously.

Jihoon at Joshua with teary eyes. The stuffed animal fell to the ground as he tried to frantically explain what the older saw. Tears started to freely fall from his eyes as he began to sob. No one was supposed to find out, but someone did.

"'Oonie sowy (Hoonie sorry)!" Jihoon cried, crumpling to the floor as tears fell, "Sowy 'Oonie did bad (Sorry Hoonie did bad). 'Oonie bad (Hoonie bad)."

Joshua watched with concern and confusion. Crouching down to Jihoon's height, Joshua lifted his face gently. Avoiding eye contact, Jihoon took shaky breaths as he tried to calm down.

"Hey, calm down. You didn't do anything bad." Joshua consoled as he wiped away Jihoon's fading tears.

Jihoon stared at Joshua with teary eyes causing the older to mentally coo. While he didn't know what was happening in the moment, something told him not to react badly.

"'Oonie not bad (Hoonie not bad)?" Jihoon asked, sniffling.

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