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Healing is key.


The whimsical aroma proved stimulating enough to pry my eyes open in a lethargic flicker. I winced at the harsh rays of sunlight that beamed from a variety of directions. The thrashing ache in my head elicited a pained groan from my chapped lips. My mouth was drier than an old hag and practically every inch of my body screamed from fatigue. The damp lavender-scented cloth draped thoughtfully over my forehead somehow managed to keep my restless heart rate in check.

Jesus, fuck.

My very first blaze and it devolved into such a shitty disaster.

Where even am I...?

It barely took a second to puzzle together exactly where I was.



I was at her house—sandwiched between her sheets.

Funny how our fractured connection hadn't prevented my subconscious from routing me on course to its default solution to solace.

I was numb.

And I wanted to feel again.

Irene makes me feel...

Setting the cold press aside, I lazily shimmied my body upright so that my spine aligned cozily against the posh fortress of pillows bolstered behind me. My hands instinctively began roaming around busily through the tangle of clean sheets, head pulsating with every movement.

I hoped to God my dazed stupor held enough common sense to bring along my cell phone.

My mother was most likely worried sick.

Jaebum too...

Days ago, I could have cared less how they felt about me.

But now...

...For some reason I felt I at least owed them both the courtesy.

Because they love me.

Sure, I've known this beforehand but knowing and actually feeling are two very distinct actions.

My once dormant volcano of emotions I've kept protectively confined over the years capriciously erupted in an overwhelming blast. Their love for me and its reciprocation flowed through the zigzagged channels of my heart and goddamn was it a bizarre sensation.

Have I been repressing this too...?

Abandoning my search, I leaned my weight back and tilted my head down to observe my current attire. I was wearing a plain white t-shirt and baggy navy-blue jersey shorts. Before putting me to bed, Irene offered me a change of clothes since mine smelt horridly of weed.

The onslaught of last night had my brain throbbing even more painfully.

Just as these new fleet of unfamiliar sentiments had flocked my brain, so had forgotten memories of those vibrant pair of green eyes—now forever singed lucidly in my mind.

And remembering struck me like a speeding bullet train.



God, her eyes were beyond beauty.


How invigorating it was to just gaze into those enchanting eyes and have them gazing right back...

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