Pro. Pt 1

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The week had always seemed like a waste to me, second simester into the psych course and the college was sending us to England to attend some neurologist seminar. We were always ahead of the class but I personally didn't develop a passion for the subject. It started off fine, the plane was nice and jet lag stayed away, the first day was mostly meet and greet, the sort of group activities. The rest was just one long seminar about a range of topics to do with spychology and neurology and their links ect. But it was the last day that really changed things, that's when a group of my friends became something unexplainable.

"Three months earlier"

This mourning had been rushed, We awoke early and prepared for the day, It was what this whole week had been leading up too. There is to be a hypnotics demonstration today, a walk through of all the steps and the precautions. Of Course we were supposed to be paying attention to the theory but when they asked for help we couldn't stop ourselves, we were the first up and he had us out in under a minute. My senses went blank for the most Parts but some moments came to me as they happened, lots of running around and, oddly, a Lot of physical activity, almost tests.

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