Chapter 3

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OwlStar and the Rouge arrived in a seemingly dark abandoned barn that had only five or six cats all of them were chewing on bones and sharpening thier claws on wood before the full white tom arrived. They all shot him an unwelcoming look, growls and hisses escaping thier throats. Not very welcoming I see.. OwlStar took a few steps back only to get pushed forward by
Hawk who whispered down at him with a grin. " They can smell your fear"

Owl wanted to roll his eyes. Wait but if he knows I'm afraid then they can smell my fear!? Fox dung now I'm really afraid but I'll try to hide.. Maybe I'll give them a kind welcoming greeting perhaps to soothen the unacceptance. Owl bristled his fur before purring and he waved his tail elegantly. " Why hello, I'm owlS- I'm owl and it is quite pleasing to meet you, hopefully I haven't interrupted anything much but if so my dearest apologies to all you lovely shecats and strong sires" Owl looked behind his shoulder all the weird looks that were pointed at him helped him know what he said made little to know sense for them! Fox dung.

" Who is this little white stone you brought into our barn Hawk?" A grey shecat with white dapples hissed. Hawk shook his head in frustration which only made Owl feel discouraged. " This tom managed to beat me in a fight when I tried to drown him, because of this I thought he had some skills inside him but I never even got a hint that he was a soft 'perfect' little former kitty pet" Hawk rolled his eyes quickly moving away from OwlStar's side. Owl felt even worse now. The cat who was supposed to be admiring his skills thought he was a kitty pet!?

Owl jumped back in supprise when a cat emediatly shot towards him with a grin. " Let's not let him go to waste though! I've been sharpening my claws now it's time to test them!" he smirked. Owl felt his pelt grow cold. I-is he going to kill me.. Why would such violence need to be used?. Before Owl could think or process any more he felt himself get knocked to the ground, weight getting pushed onto his chest.

He let out a scared shriek but before he could even open his eyes to see who had pinned him down he felt a claw slash across his muzzle, giving him a long horrid scar that had thick red blood trickling inside it. With another blow he felt a long fresh cut quickly form on his left shoulder. Owl quickly managed to kick them off using his hind paws before dashing to the side quickly. The cat launched at him again, pulling him by his tail, using it to toss him across the wooden floor making him slide across it and bump his head on the wall. " Perhaps I should finish him off?" The cat looked at his fellow companions with a smirk. " Of course take your time."

Owl shrieked and raised his paw with his outstretched claws targeted for the rogue tom's ear. Within a second he stroke his sharp dagger claws across the rouge's ear tip. The tom let our a shriek of pain as blood began to trickle from the fresh scar. The tom let out a growl, baring his sharp teeth at Owl before lunging for his throat. He plunged onto him, sinking his claws into Owl's throat when he heard Hawk's hiss sound from behind him. He let out a rather unimpressed snarl before raking his claws across the tom's eye, reaching his stomach before finally stopping. Blood trickled from the fresh long cut along Owl's face. He let out a dying shriek, his eyes round with horror at the sight of his chest. He ruined me! I probably look like fox dung! What would Petal hollow think about this? That little-

Before he even finished his sentence Owl instinctively launched himself at the brown tabby, his claws raking across his shoulders. The tom let out a surprised gasp that was cut off by a shriek. Owl immediately dug his muzzle into the tom's throat. His teeth sinking into his throat. The pain felt dull now that he was avenging the cat who caused it and the moment he got a taste of his blood he didn't stop. His dying pleads and kicks to Owl's stomach didn't stop him. He continued on, his teeth clinging to his throat before he heard a crack sound the tom's throat. Owl lifted his head, sitting out tufts of fur from how jaw before turning to the other cats in the barn. They all looked stunned, some even horrified. Owl turned to face hawk and was surprised to see him just as shocked as everyone else. Oh dear I've messed up now.

He lowered his ears and scrambled away from the body taking a moment to stare at it. Blood was oozing from the open gash on the tabby's throat. His eyes were stuck in a round terror filled expression, his mouth wide open from his pleads and screams with a little blood staining his muzzle. I did this? I killed a cat all because they damaged my appearance. I'm a selfish jerk! Breezeclaw was right... They were all right.. I just killed a cat in cold blood I-

"Owl was it?" A voice broke him out of his panic. Owl let out a hurried a nod, wondering what he was going to say. Hawk took a look at him and then a look at the dead body infront of him. "You're in. I've never seen anyone kill a cat so quickly. Spark was a strong cat. I never expected him to get killed by a newcomer.. I appreciate your strength. Welcome to the group." Owl's ears pricked up in happiness but was slightly discourage when few cats cheered for him. He had just killed someone, of course they were frightened.

Hawk dipped his head at another cat arched beneath some twoleg junk. She quickly paced toward him. "Could you bring Owl some poppy seeds to ease his pain?" The black and white splotched she nodded and hurried out of the barn. "Minty, you fetch him some water with soaked moss." A brown and white spotted tabby hesitantly nodded and moved along. "You hungry?" Hawk asked. Owl didn't know how to answer. He was in fact starving but he didn't think that he deserved to be treated like a king, he had just got there after all and they acted like he was leader. I could be their leader.. I just need their respect.

"No, I'll hunt later." He politely muttered. Hawk nodded and got to his paws. "You should get to know everyone first before you try fitting in. Come on I'll show you around." Hawk began trotting to some haystacks where cats were sat, they frequently touched their noses at each other's ears. Owl knew that they were talking about him. He didn't really care.

"These are my littermates, dasher, dancer, Prancer, Comet and Cupid." To Owl's surprise they were actually very welcoming with Cupid being the most shy out of all of them. Dasher and Comet quickly warmed up to him, talking to him like any other friend. Dasher, Prancer and Dancer on greeted him with welcoming tail flicks but didn't really say much. Owl already felt welcomed.

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