🍃Is there something wrong with me?💨

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Please don't expect this to make any sense and be ready for cringe cuz I'm an absolute idiot- but please feel free to comment and help me with any mistakes! Any comments really make my day better lol. Anyhow, please enjoy an bear with me here!!


 Xiao heard the familiar war cries of hirichurl as he attacked a camp, their blood splattering onto his clothes. 

"Ooooh Xiao~! Where are you!?" A squeaky, high pitched voice tore Xiao away from his thoughts. "Xiaooooo! Didn't you say you would come when we called for you!?"

He whipped off his spear and stayed put for a split second, soon starting to walk away, not caring for the small floating emergency food. 

"Xiao!" Another familiar voice followed Paimon's. 

"You called?" He appeared, glaring at the travelers and his floating companion.

"Ah, there you are Xiao!" Paimon turned around and looked at Xiao, aswell as Aether. "We need your help!" 


How did I end up in this situation....

Xiao was starring at the boundary between Liyue and Mondstadt, wondering how things took such a sharp turn into...This...

Xiao lifted his head to look at Aether who had already crossed the boundary and was waiting for the adepti to follow. 

"What are you waiting for, Xiao?" Aether smiled warmly at the Adepti. 

"What did you say you needed help with exactly?" The shorter boy glared at the traveler, suspicious.

"Not important! Lets just hurry!" Paimon rushed, trying to tug on Xiao's sleeve to make him follow, with little to no success.

"Well- we kinda lied about the whole help thing- WAIT WAIT WAIT! DON'T WALK AWAY!" Aether shouted as the Yakasha started to begin the journey back to Wangshu Inn. "There's this festival going on in Mondstadt, a-and we knew that..uh... you wouldn't go-unless-we-lied-and-said-that-we-needed-help," he inhaled, "plus, you-already-said-you-would-be-gone-for-a-day-or-two-to-Zhongli!" 

"No." He turned around once more and started to walked away. 

"Were already there almost! C'mon Xiao, just this once?" Aether stepped infront of him and pleaded, Paimon joining in.

"Fine, lets just hurry, I don't want to be gone for too long." Aether and Paimon smiled brightly behind Xiao as he walked ahead, and the two ran to catch up to him.


Aether and even the emergency rations had ran off to help a knight of favonius with a stand, Xiao thinks. Not sure, he just left in a hurry, leaving behind a trail of many apologizes. So now Xiao's literally just standing there, no clue on what to do. 

It's so loud...  He thought as he looked at the crowded festival before him. Xiao felt uneasiness rise from his stomach, making his senses alert. The sounds of mice scurrying through the hay he leaned against, the loud chatter and laughs of children and adults alike ringing in his ears, people's rapid, slow, and drunken footsteps, it all combined into one huge factor of stress. His vision blurred. Shit, it was a bad idea to come here... He got away from the crowed area as fast as possible, pushing and shoving others. Some had fallen to the ground, others cursed him out. Xiao's legs ran faster then he noticed, trying to find somewhere deserted with little people. Before he knew it, Xiao was leaning on a rock at Starsnatch Cliff, gripping the hair on his head, his breath becoming sharp and agonized. Shit...Shit..Shit shit shit... no, not now! He dug his spear into the ground, supporting himself up as he held his head. Everything blurred, its too hard to tell whats what, its all a crimson red... Blood... He dug his nails into his face, a dark, sticky liquid pouring from his cheek. He knew that his karmic debt was becoming even more worse then it had before, but he thought the pills were helping him at least a little!

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