Confusion and Survival

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"Okay, will someone PLEASE tell me what is going on?" Mabel asked, throwing her hands up in frustrated confusion. Ida turned around and glared at her, "Havin' a moment here!" She scolded, narrowing her eyes at Mabel.

The latter looked nervous but narrowed her eyes right back at the ghost. Ford crossed his arms. "I side with Mabel on this." He said, his voice failing to sound brave. "Cipher, you're an uncontrollable demon with a heart of stone. Miss. Micheals, you're a stubborn, brainwashed child that needs help." He said.

There was a silence within the group, but then, Ida couldn't seem to help it. She started to laugh.

"Poindexter, do you think you can ACTUALLY scare me? Stanford, I am scared of NOTHING. And I know EVERYTHING that keeps you up at night." Her voice was dangerously low and quiet. "And you think you can scare me."

Dipper carefully backed up, grabbing onto Mabel's sleeve to pull her away. There was no way this scene was going to end in a good way.

Ida pointed accusingly at the man. "You will not take away the only being in my life that has treated me like I was someone with worth." She demanded, stepping forward. Ford, getting nervous, clenched his fists.

She smiled, her purple eye dark and cold.

Dipper stepped forward, holding my breath nervously and keeping his tin back. "Okay, we won't capture you or anything," He said. "Dipper! What are you-" The boy quickly cut Ford off, "BUT. We want some answers and assurance that something like what happened last year will never happen again."

Ida looked up at the demon, who seemed to be actually taking that into consideration. "Our plan..." She whispered.

"W-wait, you BOTH were planning Weirdmageddon?" Ford sputtered in shock. The Pines were shocked, not quite knowing how to respond to that.

Ida glanced at the family. "You lost planet privileges a long while ago." She hissed. Her stance contrasted with what she said and how she spoke. It was neat, polite, almost meek. Still a child. Her hands were sweetly clasped together. Her posture was straight and she held her chin up. It was almost scary how proper she appeared outwardly, paired with every word coming out of her mouth.

"And just imagine, a world where logic means nothing! Where reality itself can be twisted and bent however someone pleases! Doesn't that sound wonderful? I mean, not for the ones that will be punished for their actions, but the ones that deserve control!" She continued, animating with her hands in excitement.

"I'd prefer if we had logic, thank you very much." Grunkle Ford said defensively. "It's the only thing keeping everything from falling apart."

"Well, if ya rely on logic that much, it's just depressing." Ida retorted, shrugging.

"Artistic type, are you?" He responded rhetorically. "What gave it away?" Ida spat back. Dipper and Mabel felt as if they'd need to hold at least one of them back from trying to punt the other further into the woods.

Bill was quiet, trying to take in everything that was happening. That was when he heard him. The one that made him go back on my plan to not hurt any Innocents.

A demon's demon.

"What are you doing? Just standing there like an idiot?" He growled in Bill's own mindscape. "Forget the kid, William!" He demanded.

"Flintgold, you stay out of this," Bill thought back, his internal thoughts starting to pound at his skull. Holy Axolotl, how did humans deal with this every day?

"You're a fool. You always have been, always will be." Flintgold laughed. Bill could feel himself starting to shake, his pupil contracting as he stared at the ground.

The One He Protected///Gravity Falls Fanfic///TW in desc.Where stories live. Discover now