Mother Moon

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"Mother. What are we thinking, Brother?" The blue-clad demon grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. A red one just shrugged, running toward the presence he felt. "I know she's here." There was a hesitancy in his voice.

He wasn't quite sure he wanted to see her again.

"You're nervous." Benjamin observed. Zace jumped a bit, startled by the accuracy.

"I swear, sometimes I wonder if you have telepathy." The older one laughed, looking down at his shoes.

"No magic needed to read a person. Just an alert mind." The other said, patting his brother's shoulder. Zace gave another weak laugh.

"I just don't know how she'll react to seeing us. Like, Mother has thought we've been dead for seven-" Ben quietly cut him off, saying, "Million."

Zace paused, looking down at him. "A year here is a million years at home." Ben sighed, rubbing his hands together, cursing the cold of midnight.

"Seven million years... We've been dead for seven million years, then..." Zace whispered, looking up at the bright stars. "How about we just say it in 'home years'?" Ben suggested. Zace nodded. "I like home..."

There was a bit of silence as the two continued walking to the presence. "I miss home, too, man." Ben mumbled, looking up at the red-clad one.

They decided to no longer say more about the subject.

Ben stopped, grabbing his brother's jacket sleeve. Zace stopped, glancing over to the younger. "Look up..." Zace did as his brother told him.

The two looked up breathlessly at the bright white Moon. It was new and beautiful. The brothers felt it so close to them. They felt as if they could touch it. It was pure.

It seemed to illuminate a path for them.

Zace's fists clenched. "That's her calling card! The Moon! She's the Moon! Father is the Sun and stars!" He realized, his voice rising. Ben gaped in shock, and the two bolted off down the path. They tumbled through bushes and tall grass as they neared a clearing. The Moon was as bright as the Sun as it shone down on the clearing. There was a small cabin that looked like it housed a lonesome person. There was a woman with long black hair cascading down her back standing in front of it and tending to a fire.

"That's her." Ben whispered, his voice quiet and breathy.

The two boys practically fell out of the path into the clearing. The woman stood, her pale skin a reflection of the moonlight. She was wearing a plain white dress and black boots. The woman's raven tresses were pierced by streaks of white in the bangs. An eyepatch covered where her right eye would be, and the visible one was black with a white cat-like pupil. A burn scar ran across her face, spreading red across it.

She saw the boys and her worried expression fell into one of shock.

"My sons..." The woman whispered, her voice wavering. "How- I- Oh my-my sons!" She stammered, completely lost for words. Tears brimmed in her eye as she rushed forward to the boys. She embraced them, resting her head on the two shoulders that were between them. She shook with sobs, and Zace winced worriedly. They were not sobs of despair, however. They were cries of joy to finally see her children's faces.

Ben immediately melted into the hug, wrapping her hands around the woman. Zace just stood there, stiffly.

After the woman calmed down, she wiped her eye and managed to calm down. "How wonderful it is to see you in front of me. I never thought this day would come." She whispered, standing up and clearing her throat. Ben smiled, tears welling in his eyes. "Mother... I-I really can't believe it's you!" He whispered. She waved her hand, absentmindedly. "No need for such formality, my child. I'm your mom. Anything you want to call me. I'm just so happy to see you." She assured him. "Mom, then." Ben responded. "I think I'll just stick to 'Mother'." Zace said quietly. The woman's expression softened at the sight of her oldest, who looked down at his feet.

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