1. "IS IT MINE?"

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I removed my curtain to form a slit and peeked out apprehensively towards the road. Someone was moving in the apartment next to me, the second to last in the row. For the longest time that place had been empty, so it meant I had no neighbour and honestly, it was a blessing. I never had to pretend with small talk any time I walked out, I didn't have to bear any noise, I didn't have to worry about anyone overhearing my conversation even if I got a little loud sometimes.

But now all of that was about to change. And I was less than enthusiastic to say the least. I had been trying my best to find out what kind of unit is it going to be. Was it going to be a group of roommates or a family? Was it going to be a couple or a woman with five dogs? It was crucial to know because based on the fact, I'd know the level of chaos I was supposed to brace myself for.

As the movers unpacked and carried things one after the other, I tried to judge the quantity of people based on the amount of stuff. But I was no Sherlock Holmes so I reached to know conclusion.

Eventually I got tired and hungry so my interest was lost and I forgot about it. In the evening, I decided to order in from a famous restaurant. Since it happened to be rush hour, I was informed my order would be picked up with one other in the same area. This was nothing out of the ordinary so I didn't even look twice at the message.

Twenty minutes later I heard a bike stop at my door. I checked my app and realised it must be the delivery boy. I opened the door, walked down the stairs and approached him. After confirming the name, he fished out the package. Just as he was about to hand it to me, my neighbour's door flung open, startling both of us.

"IS IT MINE??" He screamed and before anyone could think he practically dove down the flights of stairs and snatched my package.

"It's mine actually..." I spoke, my voice suddenly sounding much fainter compared to him even though I spoke normally.

"Are you apartment 30?" The delivery boy asked.


"Here's yours then." The boy took out his package.

"I'M SORRY!" He said as he sheepishly handed me back my food, "I JUST SAW THE DELIVERY BOY AND THOUGHT IT MUST BE FOR ME."

"It's okay." I said. "Wow, he's loud!" I thought.

I thanked the delivery boy and began to go up the flights of stairs.

"SEE YOU THEN, NEIGHBOR!" His voice startled me so intensely I almost dropped my food. I was irritated but I didn't want to be ill-mannered. So I carefully turned around and once again faced him,

"Welcome to the neighbourhood." I smiled formally.

In response, he smiled even wider.

He was the happiest person I had ever seen. His clothes were simple but his hair was a bright yellow and red which he had tied into half a ponytail. He had thick eyebrows that were peculiarly shaped.

But the most peculiar thing about him were his eyes; his big, focused and unblinking eyes. It made me feel strange to look at them.

I opened my mouth to ask him his name but before that he exclaimed,

"GOTTA GO! CAN'T HAVE THIS GET COLD! BYE!" And dashed back in as fast as he had arrived. I could have sworn I felt my hair sway a little by the sheer gust of wind his movement left behind.

I was still curious about the name so I leaned forward to look at his nameplate.

"Ren...goku...Kyo...juro..." I muttered under my breath as I read it. 

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