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Posting one day early because Wattpad will be down for maintenance on Tuesday.

Also stay tuned for a new book on Friday<3

The next time Chan opened his eyes, it was to a cold sensation on his face. "You're okay, just go back to sleep", Changbin whispered. He had helped Jeongin shift the leader into a flat position, allowing their youngest to use the bathroom. On his way back, Jeongin had brought a cold washcloth, that Changbin gently dabbed against Chan's burning skin before draping it across his forehead. The older sighed in content as the cold cloth soothed his headache. When Changbin pulled away, the alpha grabbed his wrist, rasping: "Did everyone have breakfast?" He was afraid his dongsaengs might forget about their own needs because he had messed up daily routines. "All of us had breakfast, hyung", the rapper hummed crouching down to eye level, "The kids are all taken care of and Seungmin finished the soup a little while ago, so if you feel like having a late breakfast let us know, yeah?" – "I-I think I could try", Chan contemplated, "Not really hungry but I could do with another dose of painkillers." Changbin nodded, brushing the backs of his fingers against the other's flushed cheek, commenting: "Not surprising, your fever hasn't improved at all. I'll go and get you a bowl of soup."

Sitting up was a struggle but Chan had eventually pushed his sore body up and leant back against the cushions. He sniffled as the change of position made the pressure in his sinuses shift. Seeing their pack alpha was awake, Hyunjin joined the older and took a seat next to him on the couch. The dancer patted Chan's back when the oldest choked on a held-back cough. With his throat burning, Chan leant his elbows on his knees, desperately gulping in air as he continued choking. Hyunjin slipped his arm across the alpha's chest when the older was catching his breath but swayed. Gently pulling Chan back to rest against the couch cushions, the younger rushed to fetch his hyung some water. "Thanks", the Aussie breathed when Hyunjin handed him the glass. With Chan's hands trembling badly, the omega needed to support the bottom of the glass, afraid the leader's grasp would slip. The cool liquid soothed Chan's abused throat a little and he closed his eyes to treasure the feeling, only opening them again when he felt the couch dip next to him.

Changbin had returned with soup but glancing at the alpha's hands, decided against handing it to his hyung. Offering the spoon to Chan, the rapper smiled: "I'll hold the bowl for you, just try to eat as much as you can. Your body needs the energy to fight this flu." Giving a tired nod, the leader accepted the spoon and shakily lifted it to his lips. His stomach growled but he couldn't tell whether it was hunger or if the organ disapproved of him eating. Chan managed to force down half of the soup and didn't even spill any, despite almost dropping the spoon once. Somehow, the small amount sat heavily in his stomach, making him feel uncomfortably bloated. "Done?", Changbin asked softly, when the alpha grimaced. Nodding, Chan slipped his hand under his hoodie and palmed at his tummy to try and soothe it. Hyunjin seemed to notice as he handed the older two pills, worrying: "Your tummy not happy?" Quickly downing the pills, Chan shook his head and tried to hold back a queasy hiccup. "Don't really wan' anything in me right now but everything hurts, so...", the alpha muttered, drawing his legs up to his chest.

With his head resting on his knees and eyes closed, Chan didn't see how Hyunjin left and returned with a bucket not much later. He placed the bucket next to the couch, in case Chan's stomach wouldn't calm down. Feeling his stomach in his throat, the oldest didn't dare to lay back down, so Jisung traded places with Hyunjin and gently traced shapes on his mate's back. Chan released a breath, he didn't even know he was holding, his muscles relaxing under the rapper's affectionate touch.

"The others were wondering if you wanted to have a movie marathon", Jisung hummed, glancing at his omega friends working hard to make the perfect nest for them. Blearily picking up his head, Chan sniffled: "I dunno if I can actually watch it 'cause my eyes an' head hurt but.... Think the background noise would be comfy." Playing with the hair at the nape of the alpha's neck, Jisung agreed: "Your eyes look really tired and irritated. Aww, hyung, you really look like you need cuddles." That statement caused Chan to break into tears, Felix instantly rushing over when he heard the hoarse sobs. "We can't cu-cuddle", the pack-alpha choked out, "I don't want- ...want you guys to feel this shitty." Cuddling up to Chan's side, Felix held back his own tears and whined: "We've been working together throughout the past week and interacted with the same people. No matter who you might have caught this from, we were probably already exposed." – "True", Jisung supported, "Besides, you never worry about your own safety when one of us is sick. You cuddle us anyway and we will cuddle you anyway." Chan only cried harder at that. He knew he should keep his mates safe, should tell them not to, but he couldn't. Everything hurt and his emotions were all over the place. He was really craving some cuddles.

Their nest was almost finished and Jisung went to help Changbin and Hyunjin make a few last adjustments, while Felix calmly scented Chan's arm. Jeongin sat close to the omegas, doing his best to memorize how the nest came together. Minho and Seungmin had started preparing hot chocolate for everyone, also making another cup of tea for Chan as they figured he wouldn't be able to stomach anything sugary right now. The beta was carefully transferring the drinks into mugs, while Minho went to check on the two Aussie's. Chan's tears had slowed but he looked awful, eyes glossy and swollen. His unusually pale face splotchy and lips chapped. Sweat was beading on his forehead, so Minho offered: "Hey, you wanna go and wash up, maybe change into some less sweaty clothes? You don't look like you could rest comfortable like this." – "Too tired, 's too difficult", the oldest slurred, scrubbing at his face. "Hey, don't do that", the dancer frowned, catching Chan's wrists, "I'll go and fetch you a fresh hoodie, just so you can feel a little less sticky, or would you prefer a t-shirt?" – "Hoodie please. 's kinda cold", Chan replied with a shudder, hugging himself the moment Minho released his wrists.

Seungmin quietly gathered the rest of the pack and handed out the hot chocolate, when Minho returned with a hoodie for Chan. The leader struggled to pull his sticky hoodie over his head, so Felix helped him tug it off. Lifting his arms, caused Chan's stomach to cramp up and make him wince. The two dancers could easily hear the angry gurgle, as their mate fought the urge to curl up. Minho quickly picked up the discarded washcloth and wiped his hyung's chest and shoulders with it, so he could at least feel somewhat refreshed but get it over with as fast as possible as to not torture him for longer than necessary. Goosebumps spread on Chan's skin and he was grateful when Minho guided his arms into the sleeves and smoothed the dry hoodie down his back to make sure his skin was covered properly. The oldest hummed in content, finally feeling warm again as he pulled the cuffs of his sleeves to cover his hands.

"You wanna cuddle in our nest?", Hyunjin asked softly, studying the alpha's tense expression. With the nausea rising, Chan bit his lip and shook his head. Moving wouldn't be a good idea right now. As the pack calmly settled around him, they asked him what movie he'd like to start with but Chan rasped: "I'll hopefully fall asleep anyway, so you guys choose.""Let's pick a Disney movie. You like those, don't you?", Changbin offered, picking up one of the blankets that weren't essential to their nest. The rapper scented it before passing it on to Jeongin, who sat closest to him and did the same. Once everyone had scented it, Minho draped it around Chan's shoulders, the leader instantly relaxing. Enveloped in his pack's scents, Chan felt so safe and at ease, he couldn't help but grow drowsy again. The scents also helped dull the nausea a little, so he eventually dared to lean into Minho's side, the dancer stroking his hair to lull him to sleep. Chan still witnessed the first twenty minutes of 'Finding Dori' before nodding off.

Minho tore his eyes away from the screen when he felt Chan move next to him. The leader struggled to his feet, earning a questioning look from Minho. "Bathroom", Chan whispered, surprisingly sounding much calmer than he felt as he pulled the blanket around his shoulders like a cape. Minho contemplated following his hyung to make sure he didn't fall over on the way there, seeing how the older staggered and caught himself against the wall. In the end, the dancer decided against it. He was an alpha too and could imagine Chan not wanting to have his independence undermined. Instead, he sat up just a little straighter, ready to help the leader back to the couch once he was done. When ten minutes had passed and Minho still hadn't heard the flush, he decided to go and check on the older. Gently rapping his knuckles against the wood, he waited for a reply but got none. Knocking a little harder, the dancer warned: "If you don't tell me you're fine, I'm coming in now." All he got was a strained cough, so he tried the door, surprised that it was unlocked. 

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