3. Question1-resolved

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P.O.V Louana

She doesn't remember anything. I know it's certainly better that way, but somewhere I'm kind of disappointed. I just wished she could tell us the truth, that she would confirm us that we're on the right way, that we're not all risking our life's for nothing.

P.O.V Asher

I'm so happy she woke up. I'm already in the plane to travel back to her. Emma. My little Emma. What's happening to you? I wish I could just yell at her, pull her in a hug and cry my eyes out. I need explanation. I technically could ask it to Clara or Louana  via messages, but I don't want it. I want to hear Emma say what she has to say, nothing else. If she would lie, I would directly know it, because I can see it by her. We knew each other for less than one year but we just matched. I was so happy that I start to write back without checking if I really was texting Louana.

Is she okay? I will be at the L.Ahospital-tent by tonight.

It's only after I send it that I realised that I didn't send it to Louana... I send it to Leila. As soon as I noticed it, I delete the message, unfortunately, not soon enough.

P.O.V Leila

I have to admit that I never really checked my messages, well, at least not before Asher was gone. I always check if he's replying, even in the lessons. It's most of the time spam of Sylvia or the group class but the chance that it's Asher is still there. I quickly check if the teacher isn't looking and when I'm absolutely sure, I pick my phone. I was close from screaming when I saw it's from Asher.

Is she okay? I will be at the L.Ahospital-tent by tonight.

The message isn't making any sense and I'm smart enough to know that it's not meant for me. Asher was always pretty clumsy when he was happy. I quickly screenshot it and I was right to do so because soon after it he deleted the message. I put my phone in my bag again and I think about the message. I know what he meant by her, he meant Emma, since the whole situation is about her. And the hospital tent...I know about it too.
When I was a little kid, I had a small group of Friends, not really a group, but we hanged out together at the forest nearby.
Louana was the neighbour of Asher and also his Friend. My Mother was the Best Friend of his Mother so she was invited she got invited by them quite often. My Father was mostly of the time at work and due to my young age, my mother couldn't let me alone so she always brings me with her when she came to Ashers Mother. At first, it was quite awkward at that for me since I was really bad at socialising, but then Asher came to me and we started to stay together. We said mean things to each other and we always ended up in a fight but we always came to each other anyways because both of us were bored as hell when my Mother was invited. And then, when we got a bit older, around ten years old I think, we grow closer and we stopped fighting. We never missed  the opportunity to laugh at each other but at least we didn't say mean things anymore. We comforted, helped each other with homework and played together. He was hanging out with Louana a lot while I was alone with our mother's at his home so one day I gave him no other choice to let me come with him. He presented me to Louana and we became friends, well, at least I saw her as a Friend. I think she found me a bit annoying since I was really protective over Asher, yeah I was jealous that she could see him more often than me because she's her neighbour and I was already in love with Asher. But I still saw her as a good Friend.
Louana wanted to be a doctor later, she kept saying it again and again. She was a good, smart little kid and had a good memory so she memorised everything she read about médecine. She was only eleven but she already knew how she could heal a bunch of people. Louana had really nice and not strict parents that I could ask myself how she got so serious and became a nurd. She already wanted to practice her life as a doctor and promised she would give us candy that her parents would gladly give to her if we helped her, so we were going to the forest Everyday and we build up a tent, we came in and did as if we were sick and than Louana would safe us while giving us médecine, not real of course, it was just some water. The tent was small, but it grew bigger after a couple of years. We passed all our journeys there together. If I have to think of it, it have been at least one year and a half since I didn't got there.
Since Emma came into our school.
When it was time to go college, Asher and I apparently had luck because we both ended up in a good level school, Louana was in a school that was an even better level but at least Asher and I were together, we were even in the same class. We grew up even closer. After Emma came to our school, Asher didn't take Long to fall in love for her. He's not the type to get girls over girls, but this time he really went crazy, like all other guys in our school. I started to argue with him again and I got jealous many times. I didn't came to the tent anymore and I didn't got to see Louana as well. My Mother didn't obligate me to come with her at the invitation anymore since I was old enough to choose for myself and stay alone at home. Louana and him are surely still friends.
I know where they are. At that forest, at a tent that is probably much bigger than how I saw it last time, one and a half year ago. The safest thing to do was to call the police, not getting involved,  and to snitch. But I snitched already way to many times. I know I have something else in mind.
The reason I won't snitch him is the same reason an why Louana can still be Friend with him after she knew he was interested in Emma and I don't.
I love Asher.
I was jealous about Emma and I was doing my best to keep them away from each other, that irritated Asher a lot. And I think it's like that that we stopped hanging out together.
Our hospital-tent had a name, L.L.A
But in this message, he wrote L.A hospital-tent.
I'm not a part of the group anymore.

P.O.V Emma

I woke up a couple hours ago and I'm bored like hell. I plan to make an imaginary Friend when I hear the first girl who helped me outside. She talks with someone, a boy. I know it's not polite to listen to others but I don't have anything else to do so I listen to their conversation.
"Is she in this room?" I hear a male voice say.
"Yes." I hear the girl who helped me out the first time saying.
"Wait!" She says again. "I have to tell you something before you come in..."
"What is it, Louana?" The male voice says, sounding pretty annoyed and impatient.
"You will not be able to ask her about the incident."
"Why?" On the tone of the boy, I can hear he's disappointed.
"The shock of the incident was to hard on her... She... she forgot everything, like really everything, even her own name" The girl who was apparently called Louana.
At that moment I knew it was about me. I listened even more attentively, hoping to get to know something about me. It stayed quiet for a moment just as if the boy was in shock.
"She... are you sure she didn't pretend it to not get problems with the police and stuff?"
Police again. It's the second time I hear talking about police since I'm awake. What do I have to do with them?
"Yes, I'm sure. You had to see her, she was starving to know more about herself." Louana's voice answers. It stays silent.
"Can I still go see her?" I hear the boys voice asking.
"Yes, but don't say anything about the fact that she is the most searched criminal of the world"

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