Chapter 10

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I wake up to my alarm for school. I try to get her up but she wouldn't budge. I make her a shake and I set it beside her bedside with a banana and strawberries. She woke up slightly she'd drank her shake and she'd done her hair. I find cute clothing for her to wear. She smiles and finishes the shake and the fruit. She brushes her teeth and we head out. She'd be texting someone and I'd say "who are you texting love?" She says "just the tattoo artist I've been keeping in touch with to get two tattoos and a few piercings." I say "oh when is the appointment?" She says "tonight at 8:00," I say "I'm coming with you bc I do want a tattoo," She says "ok that's fine." We get to school and we walk to class holding hands. We go into class and study together for our test for this class till the bell rings. The teacher would give us another 5 min to continue studying. The teacher would explain our test and go over a few questions with us. We get our tests and we take them. I'd know all the answers and I go turn my test in after her and would leave class. We walk to the library and I help her study for her test. I finish up my essay turning that in. The bell would ring and she kisses me going to my next class. I study more for my test. The teacher collects the study guide and hands out our tests. I look through the test and I go through the ones I know. I figure out the answers to the questions I was confused about and I'd hand it in. I leave class and go to find her in the schoolyard. Nora and the girl that kissed me that night would walk with me. I see her and I would walk toward her. She and Nora would hug and Jet pulls my sister to the side. They would talk as the girl would get touchy touchy all over me trying to kiss me. Jet and Nora would walk towards us and Nora would say "I knew you were a bad fucking friend. Fuck off and don't ever talk to me my brother or his girlfriend again or I will kill you" We'd both be surprised. Me and jet looked at each other. Nora grabs our hands and would say " I'm sorry about that bitch. Oh, Jet are we still getting our tattoos at 8?" She says "yeah your brother is getting one too" She laughs and she says "his face will be priceless when he gets one lol" They laugh and I say "I'm a tough boy plus after school, I'm getting my cast off so beat that I tease" We all laugh and we all head to lunch. Nora would say I got chic- fl-a for all of us. She goes to the doordash person and would thank them. We all eat and talk. The bell would ring 45 min later and we all head out since I and Jet take online classes for our last class. We go some and get ready for my appointment to get my cast taken off. She puts on shorts and a tank top. We head out and we go to my appointment. We get in and out leaving at about 6:00. we go get dinner at Red Robin and leave there around 7:30 pm. We meet Nora at the sop around 7:45. The person would tell jet to take her pants and panties off to do the tattoo and She would do so. She gives jet a robe around her waist to tie there. She unclips the robe and starts on her tattoo. I watch before deciding on getting the tattoo I want. I watch as the tattoo turns out beautifully. She'd get done with that tattoo and Jet goes to the bathroom to put her panties on. The girl doing her tattoos would give her nipple covers and she'd put those on and she gets her spine tattoo. With butterflies. It would have her Granddads name in Japanese I decide to get Tetris blocks with like skin pealing type tattoos on my upper arm. The girls would be done and I give jet my credit card. She says " you sure?" I say "yeah I'm sure love now go pay," She says "ill pay you back." She goes to swipe my card and puts it back in y wallet in my coat pocket. The guy would finish and I tip him 20 bucks bc it was perfectly how I wanted it. I say "thanks dude" and we all head out. Nora would tell us bye and we'd go home. The boys would be at the house and I text them back on the way. They would have their girlfriends with them as we pull up. We go inside and we hang out for a while. The girls would go into the movie room and chill while we relax and play video games. We all plan to attack our girlfriends and take them away from each other. Adrian goes in first and he takes his girlfriend away to one of the rooms. We'd go one by one till it was my turn with Jet. We make out in the movie room and we hear moans. We laugh. "did you enjoy your tattoo?" She asks I say "yeah it's perfect. How are your piercings?" She says "they're fine they sting a little bit" I kiss every piercing she has. including her septum and her two nostril piercings. I kiss her two tattoos and her cheek because why not. She lays on me and falls asleep. Everyone would leave and I carry her upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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