*Dancing with our hands tied*Kacy*

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"THE STORY STARTS WHEN IT WAS HOT AND IT WAS SUMMER AND I HAD IT ALL I HAD HIM RIGHT THERE WHERE I WANTED HIM SHE CAME ALONG GOT HIM ALONE AND LET'S HEAR THE APPLAUSE SHE TOOK HIM FASTER THAN YOU COULD SAY SABOTAGE" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I see Kate finally walk out of work and open the car door. "Sorry I kept you waiting, Curtis had to leave early so I got stuck doing all the paperwork" she sighed as she tossed her blazer in the backseat.

"You know that's conflicting right" Kate laughs as I hand her green hoodie to her and she gets in the car. "What is?" I asked "The fact that you know what song to listen to after work but you somehow can't decide where you want to eat ever" She pointed out and kissed me on the cheek. "I'm indecisive and you know it why can't you just pick" I protested. "Because I picked yesterday and the day before that AND the day before that, so now it's your turn" She responded with a soft smile on her face. 


"Fine let me think about it for a second" Lucy sighed as she slumped back into her seat and crossed her arms. I back out of the parking lot and start driving down the road. "Luc I don't care what we eat but if I don't have something IN MY MOUTH in the next 30 minutes I may just have to take us to manaʻolana sushi". Lucy gasps "You wouldn't, I hate that place," she says dramatically. "I WOULD" I respond sarcastically.

 "Fine I want ice cream" she states firmly "What?" I ask, confused if I heard her correctly. "You heard me I want ice cream. That's my final decision" She smiled as she interlaced our fingers and kissed the back of my right hand.  Blood rushed into my cheeks then I shrugged and said "Ice cream it is".


As Kate finished parking at Oceans Hau Kalima I hopped out of the car and ran around the car to open her door for her. "Wow such a gentleman" She joked. The parking lot was desolate and quiet, We shrug go up to the window, and order. "A medium cherry ice cream in a cone for me," I say definitively "and a medium cookie dough ice cream for her" Kate smiled at me almost like she was surprised I remembered her order. "Cone or cup?" The yellow-haired worker asked "Cone" Kate and I say at the same time.

After we got our ice cream we went to sit in the parking lot. "Wanna try mine?" I insisted, Kate rarely tries new things so I expected her to say no. "Sure" she said "Wow look at you Kate Whistler trying new things" I beamed. She takes my ice cream and I take hers. Kate licks mine and smiles "MMM that's actually really good" she says "I know that's why I like it" I laugh while licking hers. "Here switch back Yours is dripping all over me" I say "That's only because you're messy" she responded. 

As we finished our ice creams I take Kate's hand and drag her farther into the empty parking lot "Wait here" I say and before she could protest I run back to the car, turned the stereo volume all the way up, and put on my playlist. Dancing with our hands tied by Taylor Swift comes on as I jog back to Kate. "May I have this dance?" I say as I extend my arm out to her. She smiled and nodded

As we danced to the music I stare into Kate's eyes normally her irises are dark brown but under the street light they turned a shade lighter. They looked almost luminous and reminded me of coffee or maple syrup. I guess I was staring too long because the next thing I know Kate shifted closer and I'm now resting my head on her shoulder with my hands around her waist. I turn my head to look up at her and she looked down at me "I love you" I said quietly "I love you too Luce" she whispered back. I feel like I'm sinking into Kate when I realize I feel the safest I've felt in a very long time.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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