Capítulo 35

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ris woke up later than usual. It was because she fell asleep after sunrise in the morning, but fortunately Evan thought she was suffering from a hangover. So, as soon as Aris opened her eyes, with Evans consideration, various drinks and easily digestible food that were said to be good for hangovers were served comfortably in bed.

Even that was not enough, and Evan, who has mistaken her for suffering from a huge hangover, even called in a masseuse from an esthetician famous among the ladies so Aris can have a rest.

Will I be able to enjoy this luxury after I get married? I dont want more or less, so I just want to marry someone like Brother.

Her brothers had driven out all the men who had come to court her before, but now that she thinks about it, they are all definitely worse than older brother or her younger brother. It was quite difficult because her standards were already set on Evan and Leon. Still, her older brother was taking care of her, so she was going to hold out without getting married as much as possible.

Aris was thinking about this and that, and when she, who was tired from going to bed early in the morning, took a good rest and better condition, it was time for dinner. When she went to the dining room, Evan was already seated. As if waiting for Aris to sit down, the maids brought food to the table.

Older Brother! Thank you so much for today.

What do you mean?

Everyone from the moment I opened my eyes until now!

Well, it doesnt seem to be any different from usual. Its good that you like it.

Evan spoke indifferently, but couldnt stop the corners of his lips from raising gently. Evan seemed to have no clue at all, that such a figure made Aris heart beat even more.

I like that Older Brother takes care of me like this.

Really? I love taking care of you.

Older Brother !

How can he only says things that will impress her!

Aris was moved by Evans words, and unwittingly covered her mouth. Many of the ladies had a crush on Evan for his looks, title, and wealth, but Aris believed that his true charm was within him.

Then, is your body okay now?

Yes! Thanks to you!

At her bright reply, Evans darkened gaze turned to Aris.

Then why dont you come to my room tonight?


Evan nodded his head. He was quietly waiting for her answer while Ariss head was buzzing.

Tonight?! Leon also said he was coming tonight! If I went to Older Brothers room, Leon would know that my room was empty!

If its Leon, of course hell find me, and hell find out Im in Older brothers bedroom !

It was only natural for Leon to notice her and his older brother. No matter how debauched Leon was, she didnt want him to find out about it. Besides, she couldnt even imagine what would happen to Leon if he knew that his opponent was his older brother and no one else.

Oh no! I want to rest a little today!

Is that so? I get it. If you are tired, there is nothing I can do. But tomorrow, you have to spend time with Older Brother in the daytime.


Yes, lets get some rest and go see an opera.

Yes, Ill look forward to it!

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Opera, it was a typical date course. But to watch an opera with her older brother, doesnt it feel like theyve become lovers? In reality, they were not lovers or anything, but just siblings, but Aris heart had already inflated with anticipation for the future.

Después de disfrutar de su comida, Aris fue escoltada por Evan y llegó a su propia habitación. Antes de partir, besó a Aris con pesar.

¡Hermano, hermano! ¡Qué pasa si alguien lo ve!

"No importa."

Aris negó con la cabeza violentamente. Leon aún no había regresado a casa, pero ella no sabía cuándo regresaría. Además, pensó que el hecho de que los empleados notaran la relación entre los dos y realmente la vieran eran dos cosas diferentes. Así que quería ser lo más cuidadosa posible.

Entonces, ¿vamos a la habitación?

No creo que eso vaya a terminar ahí.

"Me atrapaste."

La risa de Aris estalló ante los comentarios naturales de Evan.

Ojalá pudieras fingir que no lo sabías y dejarme entrar.

¿Cómo puedo pretender que no sé cuando es tan obvio?

Creo que hubiera sido mejor si fueras un poco ignorante. O tal vez hubiera sido mejor si fueras un poco ingenioso.

"Entiendo que es bueno ser ignorante, pero ¿por qué ser ingenioso?"

" Piénsalo. ¿Por qué? No quiero decírtelo ahora.

¿Por qué? ¿Qué?

Evan le abrió la puerta a Aris frente a él, que tenía curiosidad.

"Descansa un poco. Tienes que gastarlo todo por mí mañana, así que deberías descansar bien.

eso es lo que eso significa, ¿verdad?

La mirada, el tono y los gestos de su hermano. Estaba claro que nunca tuvo la intención de descansar en el sentido más puro. Porque de él se desbordaron sentimientos oscuros, egoísmos y deseos.

"No sé a qué te refieres".

"No, creo que lo sabes".

Sí, es bueno tener algo de sentido del humor.


Pero uno sabe, pero el otro no.Si es así, ¿no deberíamos estar descansando ahora para mañana?

"¡Es vergonzoso entrar cuando el hermano mayor dice eso!"

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"Entonces, ¿este hermano mayor debería ponerte a dormir?"

En este punto, estaba claro que lo estaba haciendo a propósito. Aris tenía miedo de que su hermano mayor entrara en su habitación, por lo que se despidió rápidamente.

¡Hermano, duerme bien! ¡Te veré mañana!"

"Sí, duerme bien".

Después de agitar su mano para despedirse de ella, Aris cerró la puerta de golpe. Se avivó el calor en la cara con un abanico. Al aprender tarde sobre el placer, es posible que no sepa cuándo detenerse y eso es exactamente lo que dijo su hermano mayor. Su hermano mayor, que era como un símbolo de abstinencia, se convirtió en tal masa de deseo. Pero, pensando que ella era la razón, no se sintió mal por eso, pero su risa salió.

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