Made For Each Other

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"Who the hell was that guy?" Klaus asked finally, and you giggled, managing to right yourself. The drug seemed to be slowly fading off - the Handler must have though she would be able to kill you quickly enough that it wouldn't matter. She likely just hadn't wanted to shoot you and give up that she was right outside the barn.

"You knew his brother," you told him.

"Vanya! Help!" Sissy shouted before he could respond, and everyone went racing downstairs. Five slid his arm under your shoulder, the two of you falling behind the others in your struggle to stand up straight.

"Thanks," you muttered, shaking your head slowly. "I feel like all I've done is be a burden today."

Five shook his head quickly, wiping away the trails of slowly drying blood trickling down your face.

"You saved me from being crushed by those bricks. And you don't know it, but..." He trailed off, pressing a gentle kiss to your blood-free cheek. "The last thing you did before you died was try to save your family."

You looked over at him, confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

You both grew distracted as you reached the bottom of the stairs and witnessed Vanya take back her powers from Harlan.

"That's... a story for later, Love."

He called me love. Holy shit, he just called me love.

You felt like you could hardly move even as the glowing ball around Harlan disappeared.

Sissy ran over to him, wrapping him up in a hug and kissing his head lovingly. You felt your throat close up at memories of your biological mother - who you would likely never see again.

No, you decided firmly. Once we get back into 2019 I'll find her again. With Five.

And Grace, too. Grace would be back to life... right? Even though she wasn't human, she had taken care of you nearly your whole life. You... loved her.

You smiled around at the rest of your family, feeling your heart grow warmer.

"Lila will come back," you told Diego, patting his arm lightly. "I know it."

He looked down at you, his eyes turning pitiful when they landed on your cheek.

"You... I don't know how to tell you this, but..."

"Yeah, I know," you said with a frown. "The Handler cut me. But I'll be fine."

"No, Diego said, his eyes anywhere but your face. "It's... Five, help."

"I've got it," Five said, stepping forward and placing a hand on his brother's chest.

"Five, what's going on?" you asked, heart quickening.

"It's nothing serious," he said quickly, but his expression had turned sorrowful. "It's... she carved your code name from when we were kids."

You paled, heart slowing.

"What- she- how did she know?!" Your hand flew to your cheek, and hot tears built in your eyes as old pain resurfaced. Your father had called you that once, when you had failed one of his tests. So had Diego, and it hurt more than you would like to admit.

Occasionally even Luther and Allison would do the same when you made them mad.

Sure enough, your fingers traced the painfully stinging lines dug into your skin, revealing the crudely carved word. 


"Shit," you whispered, wincing as the pain sharpened.

"Eight," Allison said softly, stepping forward and stretching out her arm.

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