Part 3

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"Stop looking around, Jeff," Apo teased when he saw Jeff squirmed in his seat, as if he was uneasy but it was more of impatience. There was a phone call from dear Gameplay that told him that he already touched down and will come to their venue as soon as he got a taxi. "He'll arrive soon,"

"I know," Jeff knew Gameplay would come anytime soon but what he was worried about was Barcode. He'd been in a severe mood today. He had never been like this before, he had never seen this side of Barcode who was sulking all day and refused to talk to him. Jeff tried to talk to him too but Joe the music teacher was busy teaching him lessons and Barcode seemed to go along more with Joe today rather than being with the casts.

He tried to talk to Mile about it and Mile asked him to let Barcode take his time off each other. Jeff was becoming restless because he had not been discussing about what they're going to perform tonight. He even ignored his text messages and didn't pick up calls. It must be something that was related to him that Barcode was behaving like this. He was still cheerful yesterday when they finished the concert, and he still allowed Jeff to kiss his cheek.

The same question popped inside his head.

Was he actually awake last night when Gameplay called?

And even when he was awake, why would he be cranky?

"What happened last night?" Mile asked after Jeff was silent. "Barcode was somewhat angry at you, and the boy was never a nuisance," Apo nodded in agreement. "Did you do something?"

"No," said Jeff, defensively. "Why would I do something? And what do you mean something?"

"You might say something to hurt his feelings,"

"You think I will say something to hurt his feelings? Me?" Jeff scoffed. He remembered there was nothing wrong in his words, he'd been treating Barcode as the same, even more he guessed because he respected Barcode. He didn't want to do anything that he hadn't consented, or not comfortable with.

"People spoke wrong things all the time, Jeff. It was a matter of you noticed or not, intentionally or not," Mile scratched his neck lightly. He sighed. "And I think Barcode might have listened or think you're ignoring..."

"He's the one ignoring me all day."

"We can see that." Mile put a hand on Jeff's shoulder. "Jeff, I hate to say this but please figure it out before tonight. It's our last day in this tour and we need to give the people something to remember us on," Mile glanced at Apo. "It's my stake here, and I trust you to be the more reliable one,"


The door opened suddenly from the outside.

The three of them turned simultaneously and saw a familiar face. Jeff sprung forward as he saw who's coming.

"Oh, Game!" they embraced tightly, as it had been such a long time since they met. Jeff couldn't even remember when it was last they saw each other but he still could smell the familiar scent of Gameplay, the one he always returned to. He remembered the nook of Gameplay's neck where he usually buried his nose at, the back of his ears where the perfume he wore smelled the most intense and Jeff adored it so much. "I miss you," he whispered.

"Me too," he could see how Gameplay's eyes became smaller as he hears Gameplay silently sighed and enjoy the embrace between them. He might be exhausted with the travel but he's not going to complaint. The aim of the day was to meet the most important person in his life and there he was in flesh offering the warmest hug.

Somebody cleared their throat.

Jeff and Gameplay released each other reluctantly.

"Thought I would never see it live," Apo teased. Mile laughed. "I thought you would start kissing though," Gameplay watched Jeff blushed and shook his head.

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