Part 5

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He really fell asleep last night after he covered himself all the way. Barcode thought it might be the exhaustion of his emotional turmoil that caused him to pass out. His eyes still stung when he woke up and he knew for sure it would be swollen when he see it in the mirror. He pushed the blanket and looked around.

He was alone in the room. He looked at the clock, it was 7 in the morning. Jeff was not in his bed, the couch was empty too. Barcode rubbed his eyes and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Today was check out day, and tomorrow he would be returning to his hometown and had two weeks off before the next tour date. He would like to spend that time catching up with his school friends and maybe vacation with his parents.

Just like what he expected, the bags under his eyes were more prominent than ever. Barcode groaned as he brushed his teeth and dabbed cold water on his eyes trying as hard as he could to reduce the swelling. His eyes were not small but they were quite tiny today.

There was no one coming after a while, so Barcode decided to go down for breakfast alone. He knew he would meet with others so it wouldn't be so bad. He was right when he got out of the room, the bodyguards of Khun Thankhun already waiting in front of the elevator. They were delighted about something and it was quite loud whenever the boys were around.

Barcode ate his breakfast at the same table with the others. They were goofing around, cherishing the last minutes of their time together before they departed. Barcode sat with his pastry and orange juice. Somehow his appetite was not there. Luckily no one asked about his whereabouts last night, because it was always a given fact that his mother advised Barcode to stay in the room after he's done his work.

There was no Jeff or Gameplay at sight.

Barcode might have seemed very uneasy because Apo sat down beside him and naturally Mile would follow suit.


"Hi," Barcode noticed Apo was scanning his face. "What's up?"

"Did you sleep well?" Apo put a hand on Barcode's. It was a face of concern that he pulled on. "You didn't seem like yourself lately,"

"I'm just tired, that's all." Apo shook his head lightly before he exchanged glances with Mile. Mile was biting down his toast.

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything, though. After all, you're my brother," Apo teased and Barcode smiled. "You've been avoiding people lately,"

"I'm fine."

"Whatever floats your boat. But don't keep it to yourself, Code. It's harmful for your health,"

"I won't." Barcode knew he didn't sound convincing but what the hell. He didn't care anymore. He stole a glance at Mile who was browsing his phone for something to show to Apo. Apo scooted nearer to Mile to see what he was watching. "P-Mile, I think I can't do...the next show,"

Mile and Apo sharply turned to him.

"I'm sorry but I think I'm done here,"

"What?" Mile put down his phone on the table.

"I've...I've been thinking about...about letting this character go," Mile's face reddened to the second.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"I don't think I have the courage..." Barcode's voice was small, and Mile's usual calm demeanour seemed to have changed. "I don't think I'm fit to become someone like Porchay,"

"Was it because of last night?" Apo interrupted. "'re not thinking straight. Think about Jeff? What would he say when you say things like this?"

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