A little bit of everything.. [DSMP]

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[All his life, Dream thought that XD was guiding him to fix the SMP, but... He realized the truth too late...]

(Also dont play the song yet. Or do- cus half of this fic dont fit the song yet)

XD sat by the starry landscape, looking down at earth by the clouds, he has been watching for a while and he has been waiting for the right person to use to form his plan.

His eye then caught onto a little boy, with blonde hair and emerald green eyes. He learned the boy had the same name he was thinking about.

He decided, this child. Is the perfect vessel for the plan he has been planning for years, he cannot let this plan slip off of his hands any time soon.

But... He is just a normal child... He wanted full control over the boy, wanting everything to go his way, the way He intended it to be.

He planned something, to get the boy to agree and he can get full control over him, full control over his action and words..


The boy, who was named ''Dream '' was running around the forest, giggling. Playing tag with his friends.

XD flew down onto earth, he stopped looking at the boy he had chosen. He saw he was running to where a tree was.

His plan was going perfectly..

He walked to the tree, Putting a palm towards the trunk and "gently" pushed it, causing the trunk to break and start to fall right towards the running boy.

Dream was confused when his friends stopped and yelled at him to stop running, and he did.

He looked back at them ''Why did you guys stop?'' He asked confused

His friends kept on screaming for him to move, this confused him more until he looked up.

He looked in horror at the tree that was about to fall right on him, but it was too late, he was crushed and he blacked out.


Dream opened his eyes, he was surprised. He expected to wake up in the forest where he fainted but... He was here?? A place full of stars?

It was comforting...

He walked around for a bit, admiring the starry landscape. He felt a light shine behind him, he looked back and he saw XD form from the light.

Dream was a little startled by the deformities of XD's appearance, but he didn't seem dangerous.

XD started to walk towards him, the ground below his footing started to glow by every step, and the light faded as soon his's foot lost contact with the ground.

He stopped infront of the boy '' Don't be afraid child, I am here to help you. '' He spoke.

Dream blinked '' Where am I..?''

XD dodged the questioned and circled around Dream ''Y'know.. It's a shame, seeing such an unfortunate soul, have his life cut short right infront of my eyes. It's pitiful.''

''Wha..?'' Dream was confused, first him being crushed by a tree now this?

XD walked off for a bit and stopped to look back at Dream '' But... I have something to solve that. '' He held out his hand, a bright glow shining at his palm.

The light has formed a mask that has a smile carved onto it '' I could revive you, you take and wear this mask and you get to walk off and continue your happy life. Ain't that a great deal? ''

The boy hesitated if he should trust XD. But he still wants to continue living, he feels like he has so much to do.

After a dispute inside his mind, he finally made a desicion.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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