Chapter 2

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(12 weeks prior)

Rain rolled over, turned off his alarm, and sat up with a stretch. After his shower, he headed downstairs to the kitchen where Payu was humming while making their breakfast. He wrapped his arms around Payu from behind and buried his nose into the back of his neck. "Hungry?" Payu asked, to which Rain responded with a nod against his back. "You have to let go of my back little monkey so I can feed you." Payu said, chuckling.

Rain headed to the table with his milk and Payu's coffee. "Are you ready for your exam?" Payu asked. Rain nodded, "I studied hard all week P'Payu, I promise." Payu ruffled his hair and smiled, "I'm sure you'll make me proud like always, sweet boy."

After his exam, Rain texted Payu about dinner plans but never got a reply. Rain tried several more times before giving up and heading back to Payu and Saifah's home. Still not having heard from Payu, he sat down to dinner with Saifah and they chatted about their day. He talked about how hard his exam was but that he'd felt well prepared and Saifah assured him that Payu would be happy to hear it.

Rain worked on a school project for several hours and then headed to bed after his shower. He finally saw a text from Payu saying he was on his way home, so Rain decided to wait up, sitting in bed playing games on his phone.

Payu walked into the bedroom with a tired smile, leaned over, and kissed Rain on the forehead. "Sorry I'm so late Rain. This new project at work is killing me. The client is never happy and I'm constantly redoing my work. Let me take a shower and then you can tell me about your exam."

"It's okay P'Payu, I know you are working hard. I'll be here when you are done" Rain replied with a wide smile. He leaned up, puckering his lips for a kiss that never came. Watching Payu head to the showers, he worried that Payu was working too hard. He knew that Payu's head was occupied with work but inwardly frowned at Payu's oversight in making sure Rain had eaten. He never showered before checking. Rain shook off the disappointment, reminding himself that maybe Payu needed some extra love tonight from him instead.

After showering, Payu pulled on a pair of shorts, crawled onto the bed next to Rain, and began drying his hair, "Alright monkey, tell me about your exam."

Rain sat up excitedly, "P'Payu I think I did really well! I studied with Sky all week like I promised. The exam seemed kind of easy, which means I probably did well, right? Right? But, then, maybe it was easy because I didn't understand it? Maybe I didn't do well?" Rain shook his head, "No, I think I did good, really good P'Payu!"

Payu gave a laugh as Rain's thoughts ran crazy. Putting a hand on Rain's head, he said "Rain, I'm sure my smart boy did well and it probably felt easy because you were well prepared. But, no matter how you do, I'm proud of how seriously you've been taking your studies lately." In response, Rain's face broke into a smile and he giggled while looking down into his lap.

Payu took Rain's phone, put it on the bedside table, and slid Rain into his lap. Rain wiggled around to sit facing Payu, placing his head on Payu's chest. Payu wrapped his arms around Rain and kissed his head. "Can we sit like this for a little while P'Payu?" Rain asked and Payu hummed in recognition.

Soon, Payu began covering Rain's face with kisses saying "Is that what you want, little monkey? Some attention from Daddy?"

Rain giggled, "Of course I want attention. I've been good all week"

Payu pushed Rain forward onto the bed, covering him with his body. He snuggled into Rain's neck, placing kisses down its length. Rain sighed, stretching his neck. Rain found it hard to breathe when Payu's lips were on him; his mind, focusing in on warm breaths instead of his exam or Payu's stress.

Payu's hands gripped the bottom of Rain's shirt and he asked "Can Daddy make you feel good?" Rain nodded but then remembered his words, "Yes Daddy."

"Arms" said Payu and once Rain raised his arms over his head, Payu pulled it off. After Rain's pajama pants and boxers were gone, Payu slowly ran his hand over Rain's arms, chest, legs, and face. Rain stayed still as Payu pushed a stray hair from his face to behind his ear. Leaning into Rain's ear, Payu whispered "What a good boy, holding still." Rain shivered from the praise, happy he had correctly anticipated what Payu wanted him to do.

Payu's tongue slid up the side of his neck, sucking a mark that would show his ownership tomorrow. Fingers were roaming across a barely held together Rain. He managed to keep his squirming barely noticeable as Payu's tongue circled his belly button, followed by open mouthed kisses to his hip bones.

"Please" slipped from his lips. Payu raised his head and looked at Rain with a raised eyebrow. "Please, Daddy" corrected Rain.

"Please what, monkey? Tell Daddy."

"Want you inside please." Rain softly replied.

Payu sat up, reached for the tube under his pillow, and returned to his position over Rain. After covering his fingers, he smiled at Rain before licking a stripe up the side of Rain's already hard cock. He set one finger against Rain's entrance, slowly pushing in. Rain's instinct was to close his eyes and arch backwards but he knew Payu didn't want that. So, he kept his eyes open, watching Payu with soft, fast breaths escaping from his mouth.

Rain found it increasingly difficult to keep his eyes open and trained on Payu once one finger became three and he was encased in Payu's mouth. Just as he thought he had reached his limit, Payu sat up and covered his own cock in lube. He smiled sweetly at Rain, "Such a good boy. Such a good, sweet boy."

Payu leaned in for a kiss, filling Rain's mouth with his tongue and then placed Rain's legs over his elbows. Rain watched Payu's face, always amazed by the love reflected back at him as Payu pushed in.

Tonight, Payu maintained a slow, tortuous pace as Rain's mind crumbled and lost focus. Thoughts of his exam, dinner alone with Saifah, and Payu's work stress were gone as he lost himself to the feel of Payu sliding in and out of him. Payu could sense that Rain was close, whispering "Come for me, sweet boy." Rain replied by arching backwards with a cry and cumming across his stomach. Payu thrust a few more times before filling Rain and dropping down to hold Rain tightly, "I love you Rain."

"I love you too P'Payu."

"P'Payu, I'm sticky" Rain whined after several minutes. Payu raised himself on one elbow and kissed the tip of Rain's nose. "Alright baby, let's go take a shower" he said in response, standing up, and hauling Rain into his arms for the walk to the bathroom.

After they were showered, they both settled in under the covers and Rain set an alarm for the morning. He turned back to Payu for a good night kiss, however, Payu's was already turning away from him, saying "Good night baby." Rain stared at Payu's back for a moment pondering what to do as they never went to bed without a good night kiss. His mouth opened to complain, but he stopped and quickly closed his lips. He reminded himself that Payu had been tired and stressed lately. So he burrowed under the covers with his face pressed to Payu's back and told himself not to worry about it.


Payu's nickname for Rain in my universe is "Monkey" and you can't tell me otherwise.

I welcome any and all constructive criticism as this is my first fiction ever. I will have to say, writing smut is hard. Like, really hard. Pun intended.

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