Chapter 6

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Prapai arrived shortly before noon and requested a table for them in the back corner of the cafe. He ordered them both Americanos, figuring a simple, folksy place like this must have good coffee or why would Payu come here? Payu was such a coffee snob he thought with a smirk.

Crossing his legs, he sat back to watch the door, waiting for Payu's arrival. It was only about a 5 minute walk from Payu's office so he imagined he'd be there soon.

By the time Payu arrived twenty minutes later, Prapai's cup was empty while Payu's coffee sat cold.

"Sorry Pai. I got a phone call on my way out that I had to take. Thanks for ordering me a coffee" murmured Payu, setting his bag on the floor while sitting down across from Prapai.

"Don't be. It's cold since you are late" Prapai retorted with a raised eyebrow directed at Payu.

Payu ignored the barb and waved at the waiter, ordering a fresh coffee.

"So, Pai, what's so important we had to meet in the middle of my workday?"

"Rain" Prapai replied succinctly.

"Rain? My Rain? What do you mean we are meeting about Rain? Is he okay? What happened?" he responded while grabbing his cell phone from his jacket pocket to text Rain.

Prapai set his hand on top of Payu's "Rain is fine."

"Well, he's safe. But not really fine." he added.

"What do you mean he's safe but not fine? Which is it? Is he okay or not?" Payu began spluttering out in a panic.

"Okay, I see that I started this conversation wrong. As far as I know Rain is at school with Sky right now. Do you need me to check for you?" Prapai asked, trying to calm Payu down. Payu nodded in response.

Prapai picked up his phone, dialing Sky. "Hey baby, can you tell me, is Rain with you right now? ........ Is he okay? I startled Payu a bit and now he's worried. Can you send me a photo of Rain? ............ I know, baby, I know. That's why I'm here. I'll take care of it. ............. Love you too."

Payu sat fumbling with his phone and listening intently to the one-sided conversation.

"He's with Sky and the gang eating lunch before their next class. But Payu, isn't this something you should know? I thought you knew Rain's schedule?"

"I do."

Prapai raised his eyebrow at Payu, clearly doubting his statement. He lifted his phone up and turned it so Payu could see the photo of Rain staring into a glass of water. In response, Payu began texting Rain on his phone until Prapai stopped him. "Don't text Rain right now. You and I need to talk first." Payu froze and looked up.

"What's wrong with him? What happened? Why does he look so sad?"

"Do you really have no idea? Seriously? You are this clueless?" Prapai questioned. Payu stared back blankly. "He is like that because of you."

Payu's body jerked suddenly and he almost knocked into the waiter bringing him the fresh coffee. Prapai sighed and tried to muster some sympathy for his clueless friend.

"Look, Sky has been telling me for weeks now that something is wrong with Rain and he won't tell Sky what it is. He's sad all the time, barely eats, and isn't sleeping well. He told me yesterday that he hasn't heard Rain laugh in about a month."

Payu's face turned pale and he gripped the table. "A month?"

"Sky has tried talking to him about it but Rain just keeps telling him that he's fine. All Sky knows is that Rain is doing fine in his classes and his mother is perfectly healthy. Sky is convinced Rain is sad because of you. He said you never call or visit Rain at school anymore. He also said that Rain's been spending all his free time at home or in Sky's condo. He doesn't stay with you anymore."

Prapai noticed that Payu's body had begun slowly shaking and he looked barely moored to their conversation. Prapai thought he actually looked scared.

"Payu, what is going on? I know and Sky knows that you love your boy more than anything. So, what is happening? Is there a reason for this?"

Payu opened and closed his mouth several times without actually saying anything. Prapai saw a long tear slide down Payu's face before he looked away.

"Talk to me. Help me understand. Sky and I just want to help."

"I didn't notice Pai. I didn't notice it had gotten this bad. I really didn't know it was affecting Rain this much. How could I not know? How do I not know he isn't eating and sleeping? How does someone not notice something like this? I'm supposed to be taking care of him and instead look at what I've done" Payu began sputtering out. "I've utterly failed him. I'm a failure. I thought I could do this but I was wrong and now I've fucked everything up."

Prapai placed a hand over top of Payu's, "Payu, calm down. Deep breaths. You are not a failure but, yes, something is hurting Rain and I need you to talk to me about what it is."

"I can't."

"I'm sorry? This is me, Pai. What do you mean you can't?" Pai was shocked. He didn't actually think Payu would refuse to tell him what was going on. "Is this about the job you've taken for P'Pakin? Cause that's the only thing that has really changed in the last few months."

Payu slowly nodded, adding "It is. But I can't talk about it yet. The project is almost over - maybe one more long week and then it's done. Completely over and then I can fix this. I WILL fix this."

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