Puff's friend group

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Puff Puff introduced you to his friends;
Benatar; Tall, sweet, British, and pretty basic.
Axel; Emo looking ass, dirty minded, zit faced, long brown hair.
Deejay; Pretty chill, Puff's best friend since about kindergarten
"Ooh, Puff's got himself a girlfriend~" Axel said jokingly. "SHUT THE FUCK UP AXEL!" Puff Puff said looking embarrassed. "She's quite tall!" Benatar said seeming interested in you, but platonically if that makes sense. Deejay didn't seem too interested, he had his AirPods in and was just listening to music kind of zoned out. They seemed kind of like band kids, not in a bad way but still a little dorky. You didn't mind it though. You seemed to want benatar mostly as a friend, he seemed a lot sweeter and more open to you than the others. Those dorks invited you to hear them play some music, you giggled and kindly accepted. Axel was on the drums, Deejay was a rapper, benatar was the keytarist, and puff was the lead singer. You had no musical talent whatsoever so you were hoping that your friends could help you learn a thing or two about music. The chairs they had were pretty small, you just sat on the floor since you weighed over 200 already you were scared to crush their chairs. They sounded like some teenage dirtbag kind of band, silly but benatar made it seem more teenage dirtbag styled. Axel looked like a dirtbag himself, but not in a negative way. Once puff puff sang more you realized they were going for amore comical kind of genre, you somewhat enjoyed it. A little sexual at moments but they're fucking teenage boys going through the worst thing of all; puberty. You didn't seem very judgmental over their style of music, you enjoyed it, it wasn't quite your thing but your supported everything that they wanted to be!

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