Chapter 24

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"So when do we get to go to this karaoke bar ?" Max asked as Tyler talked about how he fell off the stage after singing Sexy and I Know it.

"We can go soon, I suggest we get through the whole Stefan fiasco first, then we can sing to our hearts content," Tyler smiled.

"I'm going to train, Hunter, you coming ?" I smiled, trying to get him to come with me.

"Yeah sure," He smiled, obviously getting the point, we walked down to the basement where I turned the music up enough so no one else could hear what we were saying. "So, why did you want to talk ?"

"I asked you the other day, if I found a way to solve our problem, but risk everyone, most likely my life, and you said you'd trust me," He took a step closer.

"Loni, what are you planning ?" I looked up into his eyes.

"I know how to solve our problem, once and for all," I gulped. "And I need your help."

Archer's POV

 "So when do we get to go to this karaoke bar ?" Max asked as Tyler talked about how he fell off the stage after singing Sexy and I Know it.

"We can go soon, I suggest we get through the whole Stefan fiasco first, then we can sing to our hearts content," Tyler smiled.

"I'm going to train, Hunter, you coming ?" Avalon smiled, at Hunter, but it was a creepy smile, like she wanted to talk to him in private.

"Yeah sure," He smiled and followed her down to the basement.

"How much you wanna bet she'll kick his ass ?" Dayton asked, chugging down half a beer.

"I'll take that bet," Max smiled before drinking his own beer.

"Hey Ty," he looked over at me.

"Yeah ?"

"She is okay isn't she ?" I didn't want to sound vulnerable, hell the words vulnerable and Archer Black shouldn't even be in the same sentence but that as what Avalon did to me.

"Honestly ?" He hesitated before answering. "She's surviving, she'll get better when Stefan's dead," I nodded and went out the kitchen.

"You okay there Cujo ?" I turned to find Nadia leaning against the doorway.

"Never been better Dracula," She smiled and sat down and drank from her blood bag.

"You flatter me Cujo, you really do," I laughed and sat next to her.

"It's good to know you've settled in well, especially my brother," Nadia blushed.

"Well you seemed to have caught up with Avalon, you know with the months of separation," now it was my turn to blush as thoughts of Avalon and I the other night entered my mind.

"Touché," we both laughed.

"What do you think those two are talking about down there ?" Nadia asked, pointing at the basement door.

"What makes you think they aren't just training ?" No, I wasn't stupid enough to believe they were actually training, those two were close, and after the birthday party stunt, I was actually scared to know what they were talking about.

"Please tell me you aren't that stupid," Nadia deadpanned.

"Of course not," I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to see what's going on," Nadia walked over to basement door. "Wish me luck, if I don't come back avenge me!"

"Will do!" She winked before opening the door and going down.

"Hey, where's Nad ?" Dayton asked as I walked back into the living room.

"She made the decision to join Hunter and Avalon in the basement," Raine laughed as I said that.

"Her funeral," was all she replied,

"Hey Archie," Max called out. "How soon till we can have another run ? it's been too long since our last," It had been, I don't remember the last time we ran in hound form and demon form.

"Yeah, I could really do with a run," Dayton piped in.

"Could I run with you ?" Vicky asked from next to me.

"Sure, and Raine could ride on Dayton's back and Tyler on mine," I smiled, I actually looked forward to this, the only thing that could have made it better was if Avalon was going to be the one on my back as we ran.

"What are we waiting for ?" Dayton ran to the back door and was bouncing with excitement.

"You two jump on our backs and then we can run," Dayton and I shifted into our hounds, while Dayton's was a dark brown like her hair mine was a pitch black with bright eyes. Tyler jumped onto my back and got  good hold of my fur, Raine did the same to Dayton.

"Let's run," Max grinned before running through the woods, Vicky looked at us once before running after him. We followed them, trying to keep in each others sights,  the laughter rang out in my ears, we weaved in and out of the trees, I let out a yip, the hounds equivalent of a laugh and Dayton howled, making Raine laugh before joining in.

"Last one back to the house makes dinner!" Vicky called out, making us all freeze and look at each other before making a mad dash to the house, I pounced into the air, pushed off a tree and jumped over Max.

"No fair Black!" I yipped and carried on running, Tyler laughed.

"Hurry up Maxy! We wouldn't want you to be chef would we ?" He increased his speed, out of no where Vicky jumped down from a tree and sped past us. "What the hell Vic ?"

"Pure Blood! It does wonders for us!" I heard Dayton growl as she tried to catch up, Raine had a mischievous glance in her eye, which we found out the reason later on when Max tripped over a tree root.

"I love you sweetie, but I am not cooking!" Tyler and Vicky laughed at Raine's apology.

"I'm coming to get you!" He tired to catch up but we had just made it to the house in time. "Damn it!"

"Love you too," Raine blew him a kiss before walking into the house with us following behind.

"Hey, you three alright ?" Dayton asked as Nadia, Hunter and Avalon came into the living room, all looking serious.

"Yeah, we were just having an intense training session," Nadia smiled tightly before sitting away from Hunter and Avalon, next to Dayton and Tyler.

"You guys missed a great run," Vicky beamed, it was the happiest I'd seen her since Chloe's death.

"Maybe next time," Hunter smiled.

"Yeah maybe," Avalon smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Well I'm going to cook since I lost the race," Max got up walking to the kitchen.

"Maxy wait up, I'll help," Avalon got up, giving Nadia a glance before going after him.

What the hell was said in that basement ?

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