Is it cold outside?

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Pitter patter pitter patter

The rain banged loudly off the glass of the vehicle quackity sat in.

Jesus, when was this Fucking storm gonna end? He could've sworn its been at-least a day since it first started, 4 hours since his car wheel popped.

God, if the stupid storm would just end already, maybe he could fix his tire.

But the storm did not stop, he was left here to either freeze or starve- both being quite unpleasant ways to go.

Uggh, he should've took teds offer to stay at the bar.. maybe then he'd have some decent company other then rain and radio static.

"Pppshhh,,, This is so fuckin boring." He spoke to himself, leaning his seat back as far as it could go- practically laying down now.

If he was gonna be stuck here or die, might as well sleep ? He hadn't gotten much rest recently either, the skulk and day zombies weren't really the most plea-sent to deal with.

Q sighed, staring at rhe ceiling of his car- knock.

What was that?
He looked around, eyes landing on the window.

Knock. Why is there a face in his window, why is it looking at him? What the fuck what the fuck.

Q sat up in a panic, grabbing his gun and staring at the figure.

Its- his? Her? Skin was frosted over pretty bad, its eyes were paled and its flesh was.. pale, pretty tattered in certain places too.

Knock knock

God.. What the fuck does that thing want-? It must be like,, a frozen day zombie?  Maybe, , but it's missimg certain characteristics? Where are the large dang?  The hollow pits instead of pale white eyes like this one has? The scorched flesh? 

This one just looked like it was freezer burnt , or like a wet cloth that was frozen for too long .


Its hand slammed against the hlass, cracking it slightly.

Q shrieked in fear, sliding to the other aide if the car.

Pitter patter pitter patter.

The window broke.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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