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Kookie collected bandages and tetanus injection and came back to car saw y/n sleeping.

Kookie: my princess must be tired.

They reached home.

Kookie carried y/n inside.

Kookie laid her down on sofa and went back to get medical kit he brought.

Y/n was still sleeping.

Kookie came inside and slowly lifted her sleeves removed the old bandage and started to clean the wound with alcohol.

Y/n: wokeup screaming as alcohol touched her wound. Oppa ahhh it hurts stop it oppa please ahhh.

Kookie: shhh princess its important I'm almost done shhh.

Y/n: oppa please leave me crying so hard.

Kookie's heart was breaking seeing his princess cry like that.

Kookie: bandaged the wound correctly and said stop crying princess treatment is not done yet.

Y/n: oppa you already put the bandage na its over im going to my room said sobbing and got up to leave.

Kookie: princess you got hurt by rusted nail so you need get one injection to avoid infection okay?

Y/n: no oppa this is only hurting me so much i dont want injection it hurts like hell please oppa please said while crying.

Kookie: princess obey me when im saying it nicely okay or else i will force you to take it.

Y/n: knows very well not make her oppa angry so she agreed but oppa please be gentle and you remove it immediately when i say its hurting okay?

Kookie: aish this girl and her tantrums.
Okay come here be brave girl for me okay?

Y/n: sat on sofa rolled her sleeves and turned her face to opposite direction.

Kookie: wiped a portion on her arm and took the injection to inject her.

Y/n: as she saw oppa took the injection she got scared and covered her arms and said oppa please dont do this it hurts please oppa.

Kookie: aish princess why did you touch it i need to sterilize it again.

Y/n: oppa please crying so hard.

Kookie: i dont have any option other than to force her.

Kookie went near her, placed the injection and alcohol pad on side table crossed y/n's hand and held it in his one hand tightly.

Y/n: oppa leave me i dont want it please...

Kookie ignored her words and wiped the area and without wasting time injected in her right arm.

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