Chapter 2

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It was the next morning after the eventful night the three young ladies had. Beyoncé woke up to find herself in bed with a peaceful sleeping Normani. She smiled and moved her hair to one side kissing her forehead. She saw the smile that was placed on Normani's lips and decided to get up noticing her wife was no longer next to her.

She did her morning routine and headed downstairs where she found her very sexy looking wife making breakfast in the kitchen. She wrapped her arms around her waist from behind placing a kiss on her neck.

"Mmm morning baby" Megan said as she turned of the stove. She had just finished in time for Beyoncé to come downstairs. She turned around in her embrace facing Beyoncé and wrapped her arms around her neck. She placed multiple pecks on her lips and then pulled away.

"The best thing to wake up to" Beyoncé said causing Megan to blush.

"I love you" she said looking in Beyoncé's eyes.

"I love you too" Beyoncé said and placed a long and loving kiss on her lips.

"Is Normani still asleep?" Megan asked and Beyoncé nodded her head.

"Yeah and I think she'll be asleep for a little longer. She's gonna have a severe hangover with how many shots she took last night" Beyoncé said and Megan hummed in agreement.

"I'll make her a drink to help get rid of her hangover" Megan said.

"Let's eat first I'm starving" Beyoncé said picking Megan up causing her to giggle and squeal from the sudden action. She placed Megan on a chair and plated her food. She brought it to her and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Such a gentlewomen" Megan said causing Beyoncé to giggle.

"Well I have to be for my wife" Beyoncé said. She grabbed her plate and sat next to Megan. Megan got out of her seat and sat in Beyoncé's lap. They both fed each other until they finished eating and then Megan put their dishes in the sink. She make Normani her famous hangover cure for when she woke up.

"What time do you go in for work babe?" Megan asked.

"I'll go around 1 since I'm not really needed I just have to organize my office a bit" she said.

"Okay and I don't have to go in early today either so we can have most of the day to ourselves" Megan said and Beyoncé smiled.

"I like the sound of that" Beyoncé said. They both heard footsteps by the stairs so they turned their attention to the stairwell.

"Umm where am I?" Normani asked confused. Her head was pounding loudly and she could barely focus on anything besides it.

"Last night after everything you passed out in my arms and we couldn't leave you there alone so we brought you back. We put you in bed and we went to bed after so don't worry nothing happened." Megan said.

"Thank you" Normani released a breathe she didn't know she was holding in.

"Here drink this" Megan said giving her the cure.

"What is it?" Normani asked.

"Hangover cure. It does taste disgusting but your hangover will go away in like 5 minutes after you drink it" She explained. Normani drank it quick and wanted to gag at the taste but quickly held herself back from doing so.

"Thank you" she said.

"Your welcome" Megan said.

"I'm sure your hungry. Why don't you go have some breakfast Megan prepared?" Beyoncé said.

"I would love some actually. Anything to get this taste out of my mouth and something in my stomach" Normani said.

"You can go sit at the table while I heat it up" Megan said. Normani sat at the table and Beyoncé decided to sit next to her.

"You feeling better?" She asked and Normani nodded.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" She asked.

"Yeah I do I remember basically everything. Thank you guys for saving me because I don't want to think about what could have happened" Normani said.

"You don't need to thank us baby, I'm just glad we were there" Beyoncé said. The pet name made Normani feel warm inside but she felt like it was wrong to feel that way. She didn't know the complete status of their relationship but she knew they were together in some way.

"Here you go" Megan said placing the plate in front of her.

"Wow this looks amazing I can't remember the last time I had someone cook for me" she said.

"What do you mean?" Megan asked curiously sitting on the other side of her.

"Well with my ex, he never used to cook or anything just go to work. I was always the one cooking and stuff. If I was too tired. I would order take out" Normani said.

"Well I'm glad I could cook for you" Megan said with a smile. Normani began to eat as they made light conversation through her meal. Once she was finished she got up and put her plate in the sink.

"Umm I just wanted to say I'm sorry to you both" Normani said. Megan and Beyoncé stood up and went to her confused as to why she was apologizing.

"Why are you sorry?" Beyoncé asked.

"Well I remember what I did last night and I was out of line. Megan I shouldn't have kissed you especially without asking for your permission. Not only that Beyoncé I'm sorry that I kissed her because I know you too are together in some way. I'm just really sorry about everything. I know I was drunk but that doesn't excuse what I-" Normani ranted but was cutoff by Megan placing her finger on her lips.

"Normani it's okay I promise you so don't worry about it" Megan said trying to calm her nerves.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yes I'm sure in fact-" Megan cut herself off by placing her lips on Normani's. It was a quick peck but it still shocked Normani. Beyoncé went behind her placing her hands on her waist.

"Wait I don't understand" she said looking between the two.

"How about we show you?" Beyoncé asked but didn't wait for a response before started placing kisses on Normani's neck. Megan placed her lips back on Normani's and they started making out. Beyoncé sucked and bit down in her neck while her hands palmed each of Normani's breast causing her to whimper. Megan moved her tongue to Normani's lips asking for permission which she granted causing Normani to moan in her mouth.

Normani felt herself getting turned on by everything so she separated from Megan's lips but that didn't stop Megan from kissing and sucking on the other side of her neck. She started to feel dizzy with everything being done to her body.

"Mmm guys wait" Normani said breaking apart from them.

"I really need to go I have a meeting" Normani said making up some excuse. Beyoncé and Megan both nodded. Beyoncé retrieved her keys and handed it to her.

"I guess we'll see you around?" She said unsure.

"Yeah I'll see you guys around bye" Normani said rushing out the house. She locked the door and ran to her car unlocking it and getting in. She put her head against the steering wheel catching her breath and trying to make sense of what just happened. Little did she know this wasn't the last time she would see them.
This is the end of chapter two! I hope you guys enjoyed it and let me know you thoughts in the comments. Please don't forget to vote! That's it for now bye 👋🏽
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