Chapter 16 ~ The 3 Musketeers Meet P1

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The 3 Musketeers Meet P1  -
Chapter 16 -

It's been a week since I finally came out of my room and saw my kids again. I'm now back at work and luckily I haven't seen Ava, I just know that she works at Moe's bar which is actually opposite Joe's and right next to the hospital but still I haven't seen her.

I've been on Arizona's service most of the time but also switching to Callie's service. I still definitely want to go with paediatrics but I'm going to take more time on thinking about it all.

I think today is going to be a good day because today me, Callie and Arizona have planned for Brooke Elena and Oliver to meet Sofia for the first time so I really hope it goes well and I'm sure it will. We are going to do it at Arizona and Callie's house that they had together or still have. I'm pretty sure they both live together still but they sleep in separate rooms.

Anyways I'm at work and a trauma comes in. there was a fire and station 19 helped stop it but because of how bad it was some people got hurt. They come rushing in but none of station 19 were injured it was the people that were in the fire.
26 year old female, Stevie, burns to the face, leg, arm and torso. open fracture on the arm with glass in her body. A 24 year old male, Steve, burns to face, torso and arms. A 6 year old girl, Rosie, broken arm and shoulder with glass hanging out from them.

I'm on Arizona's service so we take Rosie up to get an X-ray and CT scan on the arm and Callie was with us too and then as we are waiting for the results Callie gets paged to go to Stevie, the 26 year old female.

We get the results back and turns out Rosie will be needing surgery to get that shoulder and arm fixed so me and Arizona page Callie and then Arizona tells me to prep her for the surgery and then she asks if I want to scrub in and of course i say yes so me, Arizona and Callie will be doing this surgery.

It's been a few hours since we did the surgery, Rosie is all ok she's in the ICU  and the mom Stevie is ok she's also in the ICU because she had surgery too and we managed to put them both next to each other and then Steve who is the brother of Stevie, his burns weren't as severe but he still needed to have surgery too but it wasn't as long and as severe as Stevie and Rosie.

My shift has now ended and I go and pick up sofia from day care and then go home to prepare for tonight. Since Milly was on my service too she leaves at the same time as me and she goes home.

Callie doesn't finish for another 3 hours so she won't be back for a while. Then once she's home Milly and her kids should be there.


Callie comes home from work and we get everything ready for when Milly and her kids arrive. Sofia is literally so excited and honestly me and Callie are excited for her too and also we are both excited to see Milly again.

It's a bit later now and the table is laid with some snacks and the dinner is in the oven. The next thing we know is the door bell goes. Sofia runs to get the door and shouts to us both "mommies, it's milly and Brooke Elena and Oliver". I follow after her and open the door for them all.

AR- "hey come on in, it's so good to see you Milly. Hi Brooke Elena, hi Oliver"
BEW- "hi Arizona, thank you for inviting me over"
OW- "hey yes thank you so much"
AR- "you are very welcome. Sofia is so excited to meet you both, sofía this is Brooke Elena and this is Oliver"
SSRT- "hi Brooke Elena, hi Oliver, nice to meet you both"
OW and BEW- "nice to meet you too sofia"
AR- "right you kids go and play while we have a catch up alright"
SSRT- "yes okay"

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