Creatures of the woods: Chapter 1

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There were 2 best friends walking on the side of the road, when one of the 2 notices it was getting dark so they rushed back home. But on there way back home they noticed a weirdly tall person with a robe that is covering it's body till his head, they didn't see what the person looked like, the only thing they noticed is that the robe was colored black and estimated for it to be at least 8 feet tall. They both tried to pretend they don't notice it following them, there hearts were pounding really really fast to the point that they can hear it's beat. Then one of them looked back at the creature and the creature stopped in it's tracks, then they both are now looking at the creature, then out of no where, the creature started bolting at them, the 2 run for there lives but one of them tripped and the other tried helping him up but the creature catched up with them and the 2 were knocked out. One of the them was fully unconscious on the creature's shoulder, while the other was dragged by the creature by his foot but he was a bit conscious, he saw that both of them are being taken to the woods, then once he reached the woods he closed his eyes then became unconscious, but in a few minutes the regained his consciousness but it was only for a little bit, he noticed that his best friend was in some sort of cage while he was on a table, then another creature, quite similar as the last one but wore a red robe, came down from the stairs with a hand saw in hand, he didn't realized what was going to happen to him due to him being in a daze, but before he would realize what it was going to do he lost his own consciousness. Then minutes later he woke up to him in the middle of the woods again, and he presumes it is the same woods that he was taken to, but he soon realized something wrong, he can't feel his legs, nor his left arm, he only had his right arm left. He was freaking out and he didn't know what to do, he can't feel the pain but he knows that he is slowly bleeding out. But then he noticed that there was a limb near him, the used his right arm to pull him to it, and thinking it would work, he tried attaching the left arm onto his own, and it attached on, he was confused on what is going on and confused on how he just attached an arm on the floor to his own body, but before he could think of possibilities, he wondered where his best friend was, he thought that the would try to find him, and if there was even a possibility there are other limbs he can attach on his own body, he travelled around the forest with his own arms until he found an abandoned cabin, he checked the windows if there was anyone inside, but there was no one, no light at all only the light from the moon can be shined into the cabin, so he entered in cautiously to make sure it's not a trap. He checked the fridge if there is anything he could drink or eat and only found some candy bars and a few bottles of water, then when he opened the freezer he found a left leg, a bit in shock he decided to put it on his own body and he only needed a right leg left. he rested in the cabin for a bit until he heard something outside, and he looked in the window, another creature the same as the last 2 but wearing a purple robe, he decided to hide in the cabin and when the creature leaves or is not looking he would run out, he decides to hide under the bed but was not sure if it was the right idea but he had no other choices, hearing the noise of foot steps coming from the stairs he rushed under the bed to hide and that is where he saw the creature, but fortunately the creature does not see him. Then the creature got on the the bed and fell a sleep, he decided that now was his chance, he slowly got out of his hiding spot and slowly went down the stairs, until he made one of the floor boards creek, he heard the creature got up from it's bed and was going down and then he bolted outside. But he was lucky that the creature didn't see him. Feeling very frightened he decided to take a breather just for a moment. But then he got a sudden urge of courage, so he got back up and rooked for his missing friend, he looked around every where, until he saw fire in the distance, he decided to go close to it and noticed a bunch of creatures the same ones from the last 3 he encountered but with differing colors of there robe, some of them has the same color while some have colors that he does not even recognize as a color, confused he quickly went away without the creatures knowing, then he travelled again until he noticed a familiar place, he decided to go in the building, he searched every where for supplies he could use, until he came across a room with a table and other things in it, he sad there was a right leg on the table, he abandoned his make shift crutch and put on the right leg, he felt is that his body was now whole, he then looked around the room and found his backpack he brought with him when him and his best friend got abducted that night. Then the picked it up and looked around the room for possible supplies then in a drawer he found a hand gun and a couple bullets. For once he felt a sudden rush of hope that he can save his best friend from those creatures, but there was a noise behind and when he looked back he saw the exact same creature that butchered him, he was in a rage and pointed his gun at it and he asked in an angered tone "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BEST FRIEND?", the creature had no response for a minute, then until, it started laughing, and said "oh? you don't recognize it? well let me give you a bit of info, your using his limbs as we speak", he was in shock and in a fit of rage her shot at the creature while yelling at it "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU ONE BIT", then the creature's robe fell to the ground like the thing that was inside it disappeared. He calmed him self down and reloaded him gun, he went around the building trying to find more supplies until he came across a door. He decided to go in and he saw the most horrifying thing he could ever see, his best friend in a tube filled with an unknown liquid with none of his arms and legs, this sudden shock brought him to his knees and cried out loud for the mourn of the lost of his best friend. Then he realized that something was not right with his friend, there were weird muscle like tissue that is behind him, before he could even inspect it, a creature was behind him, the creature was the same as before but this time it has a white robe. He pointed his gun at the creature and exclaimed "LET MY FRIEND GO OR ELSE I'LL SHOOT", the creature then replied, "no use on wasting your ammunition on me, use it on a more...worthy target...Oh! I know" then the creature pressed a button, then the glass that is encasing his best friend shatters and the weird muscle like tissue started to grow like appendages, before he could confront the white robed creature it vanished, then he soon realized that he was going to fight his own best friend, he estimated that the thing that is controlling his best friend was as tall as a 2 story house, he started running in a circle as he noticed the monster running at him, he decided to shoot the legs of the monster and the monster screamed, he soon noticed that the monster is using his best friend as like some sort of heart, so he kept firing the legs of the monster until it fell down, then he climbed the monster to his best friend, he tried waking him up, but he tried to take a pulse and, there was silence, he realized then that his best friend's brain was being used as the heart of the monster. He cried thinking on what he was meant do, then with courage he decided to shoot his best friend's head. The monster screamed in pain for a while, until it fell down for the final time and died, while he was mourning for what he had done, the doors were open behind him, he walked out with sadness and rage in his heart. He then said "Those vile creatures from hell WILL PAY FOR THIS!" then he reloads his gun and walked out into the forest again hunting for the creatures that were responsible for the vile act.

-Chapter 1 end

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