Creatures of the Woods: Chapter 2

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You may now wonder, what happened to our man of the hour? Well we'll get back to him later, but first we must go into a story of a young woman who experienced so much pain that even I take pity on her. Are you ready to hear it? GREAT! Now sit back, relax, and listen to the story I will tell you.

There once was a young woman who lived a normal and happy life, she had no pain, no hate, no anger, and no sadness. Little did she know at the time that things are about to change for the worse for her, one night she was in her office doing some overtime work, and most of the lights are mostly off to conserve power in the facility, she was minding her own business when suddenly a loud bang, like a heavy metal object fell, was heard at the end of the corridor. She decided to check it out making sure no animal or person snuck in, she pulled out her phone and turned on the flashlight, she proceeds to walk into the dark hallway while her phone in front of her with the flashlight, she proceeds to yell "Hello? anyone here?", then yelled louder, "HELLO?", but she heard nothing. She went deeper into the darkness, but she felt something odd was going on, she felt as if the hallway was getting longer and longer, said in her mind "What is gong on? I have been walking for minutes now why is this hallway so long?", she was getting tired and rethinking her decision to go into the hallway, she decided to go back to her desk, but when she looked back she saw a silhouette of a person sitting down in not facing her direction, she decided to shout "HEY! ARE YOU OK?", there was no answer, she was getting a bit spooked and nervous, but just then the person started to stand and when she saw the person she was in utter shock and fright, the person is about 10 feet tall with a weirdly grotesque body build, it was very thin, thin to the point it's own veins can be seen, it's ribs are so shown like it has no organs to begin with, she was mortally terrified and didn't know what to do. But then suddenly, the person, or if it even is a person, started running at her, she ran the other direction trying to away from the weird creature. She was running for hours on end yet she felt as if her stamina is not running out, as if she can run for miles on end yet won't feel tired.

But she still feels very terrified on what will happen to her if she stops or even slow down by a tiny bit, while she was having these thoughts the creature was still chasing her, she didn't even dare looking back at it as she thought that if she looks back she would get her fear to take over and she would stop. She ran for hours on end until she noticed that the walls are changing, the walls were all white concrete painted walls and it was slowly changing to weirdly like veins are growing out of it, she ran for another hour and the walls has turned into a weird and red organ, like she was in a giant's intestine. She decided to look back to check if the creature was still chasing her, to her surprise it was no long chasing her, with a sigh of relief she decided to rest for a moment, she didn't care on what she is sitting on but only cared to rest for a bit. After 30 minutes of resting she decided to get back up and walk deeper into this weird place due to her being afraid that the creature is still out there so she had no choice to go deeper, she pulled out her phone again but realizes her phone was getting low on battery, she had been walling for miles on end, thinking for the worse she left her fears get to her that she started crying and beginning to lose on hope to get back home, she thought of her family and thinking what would happen if she won't get back home, she started to lay on the floor in defeat, she cried her heart out thinking that, that was it, she was done for, she cried to the point she cried her self to sleep. But then when she was regaining her consciousness she found her self on a weird contraption with her limbs on these weird devices and is surrounded with glass and there are grinders in each ends of the glass cylindrical devices attached to each limbs, she started freaking out trying to break loose for the device, but it was no use it was attached to her very tightly, then out of no where there was a sound that played like a bell that rang.

Suddenly the grinders started up and they were moving slowly near her own hands and feet, she tried making her hands and feet as far from the grinders as possible. But it was all in vein, the grinders finally reach her hands and feet and begin to grind into her flesh and bones, she screamed in agony but no one could hear her, blood was gushing out of her legs and arms, she was in so much pain she was about to pass out, but before she passed out, she noticed that her grinded up hands and feet was getting sucked into a tube and went to a lower floor to her presumption, then after she noticed it, she passed out. Then suddenly a person in a white hazmat suit came in and injected her with a drug that instantly wakes her up and at the same time disables her pain for a temporary time, she finally woke up and what she saw in front of her is the man in the white hazmat suit with a bowl of some meat stew, she was forced to eat the meat stew and the person in the hazmat suit goes away and leaves her in the room. She was baffled on what she just witness but before she could even think strait, the bell rang again and the grinders started again, she pleaded with the man to help her and would do anything for her freedom, but it was for nothing. The grinders are now grinding half of her leg and arms, she screamed so hard her vocal chords slowly breaks due to her screaming, she can feel the blood gushing out of her legs and arms, and now was thinking on why this was happening to her, then after her thoughts she then thinks of her family again, she started but then she passes out. Then out of no where, our man of the hour bursts in from the doors and saw the young woman in deed of help, it has been some time since chapter 1 and now our man of the hour has some experience in battle, he helps the woman out of the device but he was diligent and was quick the make sure she does not bleed out, he immediately started to patch her wounds.

While he was patching up her amputated limbs she slowly regained consciousness and asked if who was he, the man said, "The name's Mark, what about you?" she then replied with, "My name is Iris." in a faint voice, he then replied, "Ok Iris I am currently patching up your wounds and I delt with the guys who were doing that to you.", Iris thanks Mark for his deed. Mark goes around the house for painkillers to give to Iris, when he stumbles into a freezer, in it was a container filled with some grinded meat, then it dawned on him, Iris was being used as food for a long time, they were slowly grinding her arms and legs for meat. The thought of it made him puke but he didn't gave up on finding the pain killers he needed, then he opened a cabinet and found some, he immediately gave them to Iris, Iris thanks him for giving it to her. Mark made sure Iris would recover, he stayed next to her conversing with her trying to get a bond with her, then she asked Mark if he knows where her grinded legs and arms went, Mark with a disappointed look said to Iris that they were using her as food, Iris was shocked at the idea but then it dawned on her, that time she ate the stew the white hazmat suited person gave her, she was eating her own hands and feet. She then began to puke due to the thought and started to cry because of it, Mark comforted her and made sure there were no more hiding survivors of the white hazmat suited people. Then a couple months pasts, Iris' wounds has healed a bit and stopped bleeding, Mark decided to bring Iris to his base, he packed some remaining supplies, except the grinded meat that is still in the fridge. Mark puts on his backpack and carries Iris back to his base, Iris then notices a light coming from the cave, they exit the underground house and then both of them are now in the forest, both of them are now going to Mark's base, Mark vowed that what ever happens he will try to find a way to get Iris' arms and legs back.

-Chapter 2 end

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