Missing the old days

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Chapter 1
Stephen's POV
It was a chilly afternoon in Vancouver and I was getting for a long day of shooting. I said goodbye to Cassandra and kissed Mavi goodbye.
I arrived early on set because Marc wanted to talk to me about something.
I got to my trailer and just rested a little bit until I heard a knock on the door.
"Come on in!"- I shouted
"Hi Stephen"-Marc greeted me
"Hi Marc, how are you?"- I politely asked
"Great, you?"-he replied
"Same, so what did you wanted to talk about?"
"I just wanted to congratulate you on episode 320! Your performance was incredible and your chemistry with Emily was off the charts, good job!"-he congratulated me
"Thanks, I put a lot of effort in that episode and all the Olicity scenes were a lot of fun to shoot, I love working with Em."- I answered with a smile
"Great, we may or may not be working on some Olicity scenes that you and the audience will enjoy very much"-he teased
"Can't wait to read the next script."-I replied
"So I must be going, there's a lot to do today."-he said while waving goodbye and getting off my trailer at the same time.
I went back to my desk and checked my Facebook.

Emily's POV
I was in my trailer waiting to get called to do the scene where Felicity and Diggle hug and she cries in his arms. I was texting Colton because he was now in Spain and I really miss him. He was my first friend here on Arrow and now he's gone, I cried a lot when we finally said goodbye. We still talk but it's different because he could be here. Helping me rap my lines, we used to do that all the time.
He texted me a photo of him in a pool and I texted:
"Wish I was there, it seems super relaxing and here it's super cold and stressful but I also love it here. It's my home now and I wish u were here with me."
"I know Em but I'm having so much fun. I miss u a lot 2"-he replied.
"Colton I have to go shoot a scene BRB. LY"-I texted him goodbye.
It was time to go to do the first scene of the day with David. I love David we always have so much fun and it's really rare for us to do a scene together without cracking up.
I spotted David talking to Brandon and walked towards them.
"Hi guys!"-I greeted them with a big smile
"Hi Em!"-they greeted me back, and David gave me a big hug while whispering-"Practicing for our scene later"-he said and I punched him lightly on the shoulder-"Stop being such a tease Ramsey!"-he laughed

Stephen's POV
I did all my scenes with Matt, he was such an intense Ra's but a really sweet guy. I had a busy day today and very demanding.
I really miss shooting all the Arrow Cave scenes with just me, David and Emily.
I missed all the joking around and David mocking me when I did shirtless scenes while Emily just stared at my body.
I was going towards my car in the parking lot when I saw a blonde girl crying, I looked again and it was Emily. I ran to her. She saw and tried to clean the tears.
"Em what's the matter? Why are you crying? Is something wrong?"
"No, I'm fine you should go be with your family."- she answered crying
"I'm not going anywhere!"-I replied firmly
"Stephen!"-she begged
"Emily! Tell me what's going on, why are you crying?"-I asked
"You'll think it's stupid!"-she said
"No I won't, I promise"- I assured her
"It's just that I miss Colton, he was my best friend and now he's just gone, I use to spend all the time on set and also off the set with him and now he's in Spain having fun and relaxing in the sun while I'm here working and missing him. Now I don't have anyone because everyone here has a family or someone that they care about and I'm single and have my wonderful dog. I'm alone, I don't have anyone..."-she answered me sobbing
I hugged her and said-" It's okay Emily, you have me."

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