CHAPTER 1 🤍 Into The Void

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The void. A seemingly bottomless jet black pit placed at the very bottom of everything, a realm where once something falls in its impossible to get it back out alive if its even possible to get it out in the first place. When something fall into the void its ripped apart and put back together for all of eternity being dammed to a never ending hell of pain and misery, it's a fate nobody would wish on even their worst enemy...

Yet, here error stood. Perched on the edge of one of outertale's many islands which served as the only easy access point into the void. Why was he standing here you may ask? Well his only allies and friends had all turned their backs on him, they had all pretended to be like him and never cared about Error despite everything he had done for them. He could remember when he had decided to try surprise dust with a gift since it was his birthday the day prior only to overhear the very skeleton he was going to celebrate for was trashtalking him with the rest of the gang and openly admitting to Betraying and using Him.

But then again, what reason did he have for believing they were actually like him? for thinking anyone could actually like a glitch like him? For expecting anyone to accept him for anything more then a tool or enemy? Yet he still didn't hate them, he hated himself for being so stupid to actually believe anything they'd ever told him. Error placed his scarf on the ground taking a piece of paper and a pen then writing what he expected to be the last piece of evidence of him ever existing, the writing was messy and quick but anyone who had seen error's writing before could easily read the word.

'To whoever finds this,
By the time your reading this I'm likely gone and I'm sure everybody will celebrate now a waste of space like me is gone. I just want to say that I hope everyone is happy no matter how much I have hurt you or you have hurt me. I always liked looking at the stars here in outertale, that's probably the only reason I never destroyed an outertale copy before, so I'm happy to be resting under them for the rest of my time even if it will all be in the void. Maybe if she would have let me stop we could have all been friends but she never would have so I can only dream of what the world might be like if I never had these shackles holding me down. Goodbye multiverse, goodbye ink, I wish you all luck in what's to come.
- Error, Forced God Of Destruction'

He set the note on the folded scarf and spun around to face the cliffside again this time walking closer and closer to the edge until...

"ERROR!" A familiar voice yelled which Error could only ever recognise as the creator who made him into what he was at that moment, Error stopped for a moment and turned slightly to look at three skeletons who stood in their usual stance with blue at the back looking slightly hesitant to attack. He saw ink flinch at him and Error could understand why, afterall his eyelights were blank with no trace of emotion behind them and his face showing the millions of scars, chips and cracks that were across it.

"What" Error asked... no... IT stated in an almost emotionless tone "I'm doing something here"

"W-what the?" Blue muttered his face twisting to one of confusion letting the act that he never wanted to hurt Error drop, Ink lowered his brush slightly but Quickly went back onto the defensive about to begin his hero monologue about how 'error was a Villain' and 'AUs shouldn't be destroyed' yada yada.

"Can't you just leave me alone for one minute?" Error snapped narrowing his eyes and stepping ever so slightly closer to the edge

"First off, Don't cut me off that's very rude! Next no! Why would we let you destroy outertale!?" Ink yelled somehow not noticing what Error had done and was planning to do soon.

"Oh please, I'm not going to destroy outertale! When have I ever destroyed an outertale copy? Plus this is an original, have I ever destroyed an original before?" Error asked rolling his eyes not bothering to even try be nice and make FATE happy.

"You've destroyed an outertale copy before! I just don't know when and if you think this act will make me suddenly sympathise for you you're wrong!" Ink denied much to Error's annoyance

"Please, Stop destroying and just join our side. It's not too late to repent yet Error, we want to help you!" Dream pleaded, Error was actually pretty surprised dream managed to say something nice to anyone other then his brother or team.

"It's already too late dreamy" Error replied giving a small smile and looking down "I want to stop believe me but SHE will never let me as long as I am alive" he looked up again this time looking more sane then ever despite what he was hinting at doing "So it put it simply, I'm stopping right here right now. Goodbye"

With that Error threw himself backwards and into the black abyss that was the void. He heard screaming and oddly enough it wasn't the aggressive kind more like a pleading desperate cry for him to stop, alas, it was too late as the jump had been taken and Error couldn't be happier.

He closed his eyes and smiled at the overwhelming cold spreading throughout his body, the further he went the colder it got until something different happened. The cold was replaced with a welcoming sence of warmth, small wisps of clear white light formed around Error expanding and shifting in shape and size until the white light was left in the form of a humanoid woman. The white light formed the outline of her figure, she had long wavy hair and wore a simple bouffant dress with an open rose shaped tied around the waist area as well as platform heels and an elegant sun hat that blocked her eyes.

"My child" A motherly voice began which Error could only assume was the woman, usually he would freak out but now he felt safe, a type of safe that made him trust this woman "I am DESTINY, Sister of FATE but I do not intend to send you back to the place she had imprisoned you in for so long. Now that you have taken your destiny into your own hands I can finally help you my child"

For the first time in a while Error felt his eyes get heavy as he was dragged into the dream realm trusting this DESTINY person not to hurt him.


DESTINY smiled at her new creation, she knew it would be risky to place Error in a world so similar to his last one so she saw this as the perfect excuse to dabble with her favourite game franchise: Pokemon. She looked at Error deciding to start working on setting up his future and form for this shared multiverse already knowing what she wanted his first partner to be other then that she left everything up to him.

Fate: Be the destroyer for ForcedVerse and suffer under the deity of fate for the rest of eternity.
Destiny: Not selected

Change fate and destiny?
[🤍] YES [ ] NO

Fate: Overwritten
Destiny: Heal in PokeVerse.

'There' DESTINY thought giving herself a nod then swiching to the next panel which controlled someone's physical appearance. She knew he needed to be human but the exact details were the things she needed more time to decide on. She knew it would be wise to make him different from this world's natural Error but making him too different could make it harder for the world to register the already complex and unfamiliar code. Overall too risky to be safe.

She looked through different inspirations and was pleasantly surprised by one of the ideas presented, she hadn't done something like that before... it would be risky but if pulled off right then there couldn't be a better option. Yeah, she'll try it. Afterall, she's trying quite a fee new things for the first time with this project anyway isn't she?

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