Chapter 1

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"Are you wearing that for me, Clarkson?"

His gravelly voice brings me back to reality. My head snaps up from my daydreaming as I walk into math class and see him grinning ear to ear as I head toward him and my desk. Of course he chose to sit right behind me. I quietly sit and arrange my stuff, pulling my notebook and pencil out. I can feel him breathing behind me. It's unnerving. And that's exactly what he wants...but I pay him no attention. I mean, I'm kind of afraid of him. He's the guy who is always being called to the office for in-school suspension. He's the one I heard ran his girlfriend off the road in a rage. He's the one who gets in fights. Naturally, he has a loyal following of fans with his intensely blue eyes and dark curly hair...not to mention the body of an adonis, but I digress. The point is...he's scary, and no one I would want to respond to in any way, so I ignore his taunts and teasing. I am a preacher's kid, and as far as boys go, my experience is pretty limited. Jett Sanders is not the guy for me.

"Clarkson..." he whispers in my ear, and I whip around ready to tell him to be quiet when I realize his face is inches from mine and he is puckered up trying to kiss me!

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim as he opens his eyes and begins to laugh.

"What? Honey, you don't want a kiss?"

I groan and roll my eyes as the mostly-boy-filled-class erupts in laughter. Why am I always in classes with all the boys?! And why has he chosen me to make a mockery of. My heart was racing, and I couldn't tell if it was anger or humiliation...probably a mix of both. I endure the rest of class, then when the bell rings, promptly straighten my skirt and cute neck scarf (which I thought looked very French chic this morning, but now I'm feeling a bit self conscious about my look). Jett quickly stands and is at my side.

"I like your skirt, Clarkson." He rakes his eyes over the length of me, and it makes me squirm.

"Thank you," I say, curtly and try to escape him.

"I like having you in class," he says in his low, rough voice.

I turn to look him in the eye. "I'm so glad, but maybe you could try listening in class instead of being stupid all the time."

His intense blue eyes light up as he tries to suppress a smile. "Got it, chief. You're in charge," Jett says as he walks slowly down the hall.

He turns to look at me, and he catches me still staring at him. Darn it. I wanted to already be long gone, but this guy is seriously disrupting my life.

My friend Gabe catches up with me in the hall. We have been best friends since junior high.

"Clarkson!" He yells at me, mocking Jett's gravelly voice. I laugh and give him a warm smile.

"Ugh, he is so annoying. I'm glad you know my first name." He returns my smile and grins, while putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Cora, how could I ever forget?" As we get to our lockers, Gavin catches up with us.

"Hey guys!" He says while playfully punching Gabe in the arm, and pulling my long hair.

"Hey! Watch it!" I say, while smiling back at him.

This is us. The three amigos. Gabe, Gavin and me...Cora. I love these guys. Gabe is beautiful. Well, really they both are, which is why so many girls probably hate me. Although at separate times, I've definitely appreciated their good looks, our friendship has endured, and I honestly treasure that more than any silly high school relationship. So, we hang out. As friends. All. The. Time. And, it's wonderful. Gabe is just a little taller than me, with brown curly hair, side burns, tan skin and these searing amber-colored eyes. He's sensitive, creative, artistic and so funny. Gavin on the other hand, is like a foot taller than me with blue eyes, dirty blond hair and a wicked throwing arm. He's the quarterback of the football team, but you would never know by how he acts. Down to earth, friendly, funny, quirky and sober. With all the parties he gets asked to, he never takes a drink. These guys are like family to me.

As we finish getting our stuff in our lockers and head to the cafeteria for lunch, I turn to look at both of them...these amazing souls...and I link arms with them and gleefully walk arm in arm down the hall. On the way I pass at least three girls who melt at the sight of these two, and swiftly shoot me evil looks as they see how happily they are looking at me as I try to make them skip with me like little kids. They just think I'm so silly. But, I love that I can be myself with them, and I never feel threatened that our friendship could crumble because of girlfriends or's so, so nice. And, I never want it to end.

First bell rings and our threesome has to go its separate ways.

"See you at lunch?" I ask them.

"Yep—bye CC!" Gavin says loudly as he waves.

CC is the guys' nickname for me.

"See ya Cora," Gabe says more quietly, with a soft smile.

And, now it's back to class. I head to the freezing cold of basement study hall. I legitimately think the school counselor has it out for me. Almost every class I'm in has a disproportionate amount of boys versus girls enrolled. And study hall is the's got the majority of the football team in it—minus Gavin, my only friend on the team—and then me and two other girls. I mean, two other girls! That just doesn't seem right. But, here we go...

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