Chapter 13

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My alarm goes off...what time is it??! 7am...time to get up. Only an hour before church starts. I stretch and head to the bathroom. Mom is in the kitchen, with a cup of coffee in hand for me. "Thanks're the best." She kisses my head.

"Is dad already at it?"

"Yes, he's been working on his sermon since about 6."

My dad memorizes all of his sermons. It's truly amazing the dedication he has to his calling as a minister. And all of his hard work pays off in record attendance at church. People adore him, and it's easy to see why. He's funny, approachable, highly intelligent and kind. And he is the most godly man I know.

"Welp, I better fix myself before it's time to go to church."

I brush my hair...I think it can pass for church with a little dry shampoo and touch up with the curling iron. I mean, who am I trying to impress? I swipe on some lipstick and put on my long floral dress with some ankle booties. Some cool earrings, and I look acceptable. I grab my purse and head to the garage where my mom is already in the car ready to go. Dad left before us, of course.


"As ready as I'll ever be," I say, smiling at my lovely mom.

We listen to Abba—her very favorite—on the short drive to church. She loves to harmonize, so we're singing Dancing Queen at the top of our lungs. It feels good to be silly with her. We actually both sing in the church choir, so we head down to the basement of the church to put our choir robes on and get ready.

The choir all sits together at the back of the church in the loft. We come up the stairs, then walk through the sanctuary to the back. I'm daydreaming as I walk on autopilot to the back of the church, and I hear a familiar voice say, "Looking good, Clarkson."


I keep walking and look behind me to see him in a button up shirt and slacks, grinning at me from the pew.

He came to church!

I half-smile at him, then keep walking up with the rest of the choir.

My dad greets the congregation, does the opening announcements, then the choir stands to sing our first hymn. I stand and see Jett turned around, staring at me. I turn bright red.

How embarrassing! I didn't think he would actually show up.

Although my dad's sermon was amazing, the service felt like the longest it's ever been.

I descend the stairs, on my way back to the basement choir room, when he grabs my arm.

"Hey. Can we talk?"

"Sure," I say quickly, looking around. "I'll meet you out front?"

He drops my arm and I go downstairs.

"Who was that?" My mom asks.

"Oh, just a friend from school."

"Has he just started coming to church? I'd love to chat to him."

"No mom...his parents are already members, he just doesn't come that much." I'm lying AGAIN. What is wrong with me??

I quickly take my robe off and head upstairs and out the front door. My dad is shaking hands as everyone leaves.

"Hey pooty," he says and kisses my cheek. "Thanks for making it today."

"It was an awesome sermon, dad."

Outside, Jett is waiting with his back turned to me, hands in his pockets.

"Hey." I say, and he whips around to smile at me.

"Hey. Are we okay?" He asks, tentatively.

"I don't know, Jett...are we? And what exactly are 'we'?"

"Woah, Clarkson, this is pretty heavy for a Sunday morning."

"Okay, that just about answers it for me. Have a blessed day, Jett." And I stomp off.

He runs after me, grabbing my right hand and pulling it to his chest.

"Cora, you have my heart. And...other things." I blush at the thought, then quickly recover.

"Then, maybe it's time to explain your last relationship and where I fit into all of this."

"I tried to call and text you, but your phone was off! She means nothing to me. You have to know that. Let's go somewhere and talk. I'll take you home later."

My mom approaches as we're talking.

"Oh hello! I'm Cora's mom—I'm so glad you came to church!" She says to Jett.

Before he can say his name and my mom recognizes him from the stories my dad has told her, I interrupt and say he's going to take me home. Mom is fine with it, so I wave goodbye and get in Jett's car.

Just as we're pulling away, my dad—done with shaking everyone's hands—walks out to the front lawn and sees me with Jett. He calls my name, but we're already off. The color drains from my face. Oh dear Lord.

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