Chapter 36- Citadel Rescue

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Chapter 36- Citadel Rescue

The team slowly moves around a corner, Obi Wan still leading the team.

Stopping for a moment to rest, Ahsoka asks, "What's our next move?"

"We're gonna have to fight our way off this rock," Anakin replies.

"Contact the Council. See when they plan to rescue us," Obi Wan says.

"I'll handle it," Piell says. He then walks over to R2, who quickly establishes a connection to the Temple.

A hologram of Mace Windu appears. "Master Piell, it's good to see you alive, my friend," Mace says.

"Likewise, Master Windu. Our escape route has been compromised, and there are several squads of droids closing in on us," Piell says.

Anakin steps into view of Mace. "When can we expect your arrival?" he asks.

"A Terran battleship is close by, with two Jedi cruiser escorts. They have been given orders to reinforce you, and will be on their way shortly," Mace says.

Yoda now steps into the hologram. "Gunships will arrive to evacuate you and your men, but do not delay. Only a small window of opportunity shall we have," Yoda says. The hologram then changes to a map, and Yoda says, "Your rendezvous point will be this island."

"Understood," Piell says.

"May the Force be with you," Mace says before ending the transmission.

(Battleship Volgograd)

"Godspeed, men," Vice Admiral Vilikov says. In response, the 12 Israeli pilots from Squadron 69 salute, then hurry towards their aircraft.

The Volgograd had received the orders to go pick up the extraction team only a short time ago. Updating themselves with the current situation. The 12 SF-15s flown by the Israeli pilots would make the jump to hyperspace before the Volgograd and her two Republic escorts. The hyperspace jumps would be timed to that the SF-15s would have two minutes to attack before the Volgograd arrived.

The 12 SF-15 pilots inspect their fighters. Each one, in addition to their laser cannons and the 8 proton torpedos in their launchers, is armed with 2 SIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, 2 SIM-120 AMRAAM missiles, and 4 SGM-65 Maverick missiles.

After they've checked over the fighters, they climb into their cockpits. After they strap in and lower the canopies, the 12 Israeli pilots power up their engines, and at a signal from the hangar crews, they lift off.

The 12 Space Eagles soar out of the Volgograd's hangar space and form up. The flight leader, an Israeli Lieutenant Colonel named Daniel Peled, says over his radio, "All pilots, prepare for hyperspace jump on my mark. 3, 2, 1 Mark!"

At Peled's signal, all twelve pilots advance their throttles into hyperdrive, and the 12 Space Eagles make the jump to hyperspace. A few minutes later, the Volgograd and her two escorts make the jump too.

(Lola Sayu)

The team hurries towards a cliff up ahead, knowing they have to hurry towards the recovery zone.

As they reach the cliff face, several crab like droids appear on the cliff face, and a squad of B1 droids march into view behind them.

"They're boxing us in! We need to move!" Adams says.

"Lock in your cables!" Anakin says. He, Obi Wan, and several others attach their rappelling cables to the ground.

"R2, we need your droids to hold the enemy off as long as they can," Anakin says.

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