Chapter 59- Life on Terra

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Chapter 59- Life on Terra

(April 10, 1994)

Ahsoka takes a deep breath as she rests her hands on the steering wheel. In the passenger's seat, Kit Fisto grins a bit in amusement. "Come now, Ahsoka. You have faced much more danger this before," he says.

"I know, but I only got my license two weeks ago. I think this is maybe a little far to be driving so soon. Especially with American drivers on the road with us," Ahsoka says.

Kit laughs. "Don't worry, Ahsoka. I'm sure you will be fine," he says.

Ahsoka turns the key, and the engine starts up. The engine of her Toyota Corolla comes to life, and checking her rear view mirrors, backs out of the driveway.

It's been nearly 5 months since Captain Adams and Colonel Wilson brought Ahsoka to Earth. Upon arrival, she met with President Bush, who formally welcomed her to the United States. He personally gave her some money to help get her on her feet.

Ahsoka had been nervous when she first arrived on Earth, especially given she was still 16 (she had turned 17 since arriving on Earth). She was unsure where to settle or what to do. However, Adams had intervened, and approached his family in West Virginia to see if they would allow Ahsoka to stay with them, especially given all of Adams' siblings except his youngest sister, who had just turned 18, had already graduated high school and moved out. His parents, despite being surprised at Ahsoka being an alien, welcomed her with open arms.

Ahsoka had quickly settled into life in West Virginia, and had quickly grown to love it. She had also become very great friends with Adams' youngest sister, Lindsey. Lindsey had also helped Ahsoka learn to drive, and gone with her to get her driver's license two weeks earlier. When Ahsoka went to buy her Corolla (a trip that had people staring at her the entire time she was at the dealer), President Bush heard about it and paid for the car as a gift.

Ahsoka had since been trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She decided soon after arrival that she wanted to help train the Terran Jedi Order, but she also wanted to have her own life. So, with Lindsey's help, she decided to apply for college in the United States. Given her education at the Jedi Temple and her already large IQ, the US Department of Education had decreed she could apply for college so long as she had tutors to help her catch up. She had been taking lessons from tutors, and had taken the SAT exams just a few weeks earlier. Ahsoka and Lindsey had since started applying for colleges, with both of them wanting to go to the same college and be roommates. Ahsoka had to send in her applications in a unique way given she was not a "typical international student". So far, she had applied to Stanford University, the University of California, West Virginia University, the University of Alabama, San Diego State University, and the University of North Carolina.

As she's driving east towards Jefferson County, Ahsoka sees a number of drivers noticing them and staring at them as she and Kit pass them. Privately, she's feeling worried her and Kit's appearance may cause an accident.

"Have you heard back from any of the schools you applied to?" Kit asks conversationally.

"Not yet. Neither has Lindsey," Ahsoka says.

"Well, if you had your pick, which one would you pick?" Kit asks.

"I'm not sure. I guess, once I hear back from them, then I'll make my decision," Ahsoka says. Kit just nods.

After about 20 minutes of driving, Ahsoka pulls off the road just west of the small town of Shepherdstown. Up ahead, just a short distance off the road, the sprawling construction site of the Terran Jedi Temple comes into view.

The decision to build a Jedi Temple for the Terran Jedi Order had come shortly after the Order was formed in 1992. After Master Plo Koon toured the country, he decided the ideal site would be in West Virginia. Within a month, a 520 acre plot of land near Shepherdstown was donated for the purpose. Some of the land was donated by landowners in the area, while the rest was donated by the state.

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