Sweet and sour (1)

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The world is divided into two

Sweet and Sour

sweet people are happy people who love bringing joy to others, and they are happy All of the time, they love making friends and enjoy spending time with their families.

Sour people are miserable people who love putting people in a state of fear and sadness. They love ruining others day, and they dont know the concept of friends... Or family..when youre a sour you are not loved by families like the sweet people.
MOST of the time they are tossed out on their own

"Hi I'm prince Izuku Toshinori I am the son of king and queen Yagi and inko Toshinori and they are the best king and queen and one day ill follow in their footsteps, but theres one thing I don't like about becoming king.... I have zero control of my life


Cue flashback
Age 5-6

  "Izuku!" Inko beckons
"Keep up darling, your father will be home soon, you need to learn how to one day become king!" and then she hears the tiny pitter patter of her 6 year old son. "

He grabs hold of her satin green dress as she smiles down at her boy in love, she kneels down and swaddles him up in her lap. "Izuku Darling, your father is going to teach you everything it is to be a king, arent you excited!"

The little Boy gleams up at her and nods.

"I-I am!"

They hear the large doors open.
"Papa!" Izuku runs to his fathers feet and lunges himself onto his leg.

"Hello my dear boy! Are ready to see our kingdoms town today?"


King Yagi huffs a laughs at his sons excitment.

"Come. "  He takes Izukus tiny hand in his own and kisses inkos Rosy cheek then her lips as a goodbye.

And off they go, on King Yagi's horse they trot to the little town near by.

When they reached the little town they were greeted by many!

"Hello King Yagi!"

"Hello my beloved people, please welcome my son Izuku Toshinori! I am teaching him about our beloved village and kingdom!"

Izuku shyly waves has he gets aws from the women.
"My boy, already a ladies man I see."
Yagi laughs as his son shys away.

They stop at a little bakery in the town, King Yagi hops of his horse and lifts Izuku off the horse and puts him down as they both walk in the bakery.

They are greeted by the smell of coffee grounds,  sweet hot chocolate, and baked goods.

They stop at the counter, the king about to ring the bell before a short woman with strawberry red colored eyes and her black hair in a bun comes out with a boy right on her tail.

(Some of the mha characters parents are made up for the story line :))  can you guess this one?)

"Ah! King Yagi! Prince Izuku! Hi, welcome to my bakery, what can i get you??"  she straightens her pink dress and her powdered apron.

"Please Ai no formalities, we go way back!"
"Ah yes of course.! " she akwardly rubs the back of her neck.

  Then theres that boy again, his black hair and eyes matching the woman Izuku sees as hes lifted up in the kings arms, Ai does the same so the boy is now looking over at Izuku.

"Hi!" the little Boy cheerfully speaks over to Izuku.
"Hi.." Izuku speaks nicely but the boy he thinks is a lot more hyper then him.

"Izuku, this is Ejiro, Ai's son." King Yagi inroduces

"Y-yes, Hi.." Izuku speaks again as he waves over to the hyper boy.

"Sorry Izu is a little shy."
"No no its alright! Eji can be a little hyper."

Yagi huffs quietly and waves at her
"Alright,, well I have more to show my son so we will be off. "
"Ah yes! Alright by now!"

They exit the bakery and leave on the Kings horse once more, and on the way to a new destination Izuku looks to see a giant wall splitting their town from another part, a darker part.

"Papa... Whats with the wall??"
Yagi uprubtly stops the horse looking over and scowling.
"Never mind that place Izuku... That is where the mean people stay, they are never allowed here, nor are you allowed there."

"Why? Why are the mean people there?"
"Theyve done bad things, we never speak of them, ever."
"Let it go Son.."
"But why??"
"THAT PLACE IS FORBIDDEN! You shall never go there or cross that wall!"

The poor boy looks up at hia father with fear and sadness he quiets down and keeps his head down.
Yagi coughs.

"I think that's enough learning for now.."

They trot back to the castle, and when they enter the castle Izuku runs to his room to cry by himself.

Later when his dad went out once again he went to his mothers room where she was laying in her bed Reading a book.

"M-mama??" he speaks from the opened door as he holds his stuffy close to him.

"Yes darling? Whats wrong Izu?" she asks while still looking down af the book but she hears his sorrowful sniffles she looks up with a worrism look.  "Izu baby. Whats wrong?"

She drops the book as her son waddles to her and climbs the large bed with the help of her, he curls on her side and they lay there in silence for a while until Izuku finds the courage to speak.   "Mama, whats the Big wall at the edge of town??"

Inko looks at her son contiplating if she should say what it is. 

"Izuku- why do you want to know??"

"Me and papa.., we passed it during our ride home he was showing me stuff, when i saw it, he yelled at me, told me its f-forbidden...said, bad people are over the other side.."

inko signed then scoffed at her husbands childish behaver, then looked down at her son and spoke: "izuku I'm gonna tell you something, but you must promise to never say this to know one, if anyone knew it would get out and start chaos."

That was a lot of pressure for a 6 year old, but izuku wanted to know, so he nodded.

"When your father was younger he didn't grow up happy or joyus, when his mother and father ruled they we're horrible people- terrible really, and he hated how they had acted and he hated how some of the people were mean too. And when he became King, he had built a wall for the mean he banished every mean person there. That's why its wrong to go crossing it, he doesnt want to see you get hurt."

"B-but how do we really know everyone there is bad?"
Inko couldnt think of anything to say she just sighs as she plays with his green curls.

"That's why you must be the best King ever, to make the world right again."

She kisses the crown of his head as she reads him to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2023 ⏰

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