Chapter 1

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It's 8 a.m, Ray and her parents having breakfast, Ray's mom(Lya) bringing toast to the dining table and Ray's Father(Romen) reading some newspaper, eventhough they have a lot of expensive gadget at their house such as laptop or television,Romen still choose to read newspaper while smoking. Ray is the only child.Lya making fried bacon and egg it's smelled good, the whole kitchen and dining table area smelled like bacon and egg.

They done eating,Lya take the plates and cups to the sink.

Well since my lovely daughter turn 18 and just graduate with a grate results, why don't you continue my legacy by taking over my company, I sure you're smart and good enough to *he grin while talking to Ray*

I would love to since kid I always want to work at your company *she look back at his father with a bright smile*

Alright, I'm going to meet my friend at some nearby cafe, *went up to her room to take something*

*Smiling happily* "our daughter grownups so fast its feels like it's just yesterday she had her first step of walk, and now she could run further"said Lya
"Yup that's our girl.....our angel....god has given us something more valuable than the treasure in the world".said Romen

Ray opened her door room to take something, since she past the driving test, she got a license which she's gonna use to drive grey Audi R8 to the cafe. Soon she get to downstairs and kiss her parents cheeks before get going.

Sound of door bell, the wind from outside blow her hair and make a little bit mess on it.

                                      To be continue........

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