Treat No Tricks

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Derek is taking his daughter trick or treating for Halloween. She's shy. Extremely so. They end up waiting for all the other kids to go first before she slowly goes up and gets candy. Her "Trick or Treat." is so very quiet but he supposes most people don't really care. They just drop the candy in and smile. Skylar is so much like Derek was when he was little. He wishes he could bring her out of her shell more.

They continue through the neighborhood with Skylar's hand in his all the way. She walks up to a blue house and her smile grows when a man dressed as a sheriff–who Derek is pretty sure is actually the Sheriff–opens the door. "Hello kiddo." He kneels down to her level and holds out the candy bowl. "Have a few."

Her smile grows as she grabs a couple. "Thank you," she whispers.

The Sheriff grins. "You're welcome. I love your costume. We need more female deputies in the world. My son tells me often enough that girls run the world but it's a nice change seeing it for myself."

Derek didn't think his daughter could smile any bigger, but he was wrong. "I wanna be a cop one day."

The Sheriff's grin widens. "Well, if you work hard and put your heart into it you can do anything you want to."

He drops a couple more candies into her bag before standing up. He gives a nod to Derek who may or may not be very emotional. It's then he hears a commotion behind them and sees a man his age walking up the sidewalk with a little girl in his arms who appears to be fast asleep.

The man is dressed as a doctor and the little girl is dressed as an EMT. "Hey daddio."

The Sheriff smiles. "Stiles. You and Avery finished for tonight.?"

"Yep. She's tuckered out but I think her first Halloween is a success." He turns and smiles offering a hand. "I'm Stiles."

Derek shakes his hand. "Derek. I love the costume."

Stiles's cheeks flush lightly. "Thank you. I figure you're never too old to dress up for Halloween. Well, that and it's my uniform too."

Derek nods in agreement his cheeks heating. This man is a doctor. Damn.

Skylar walks over. "Daddy?" she whispers.

Derek shakes himself out of his thoughts and scoops her up. "Yes?"

"I think I'm done trick or treating."

"Ready to go home?" She shakes her head.

Stiles notices and glances at his dad with a quirked brow. The Sheriff huffs and nods. "So, Derek?"

Derek looks at Stiles. "Hm?"

Stiles gestures to the house. "Avery and I are headed inside cause she's staying with grandpa this weekend and well if you want you could come inside for a bit. Just you to relax or um she could like sleep or um you—I mean—"

The Sheriff clears his throat. "What my son means is that if you want to take a bit to have a seat, we have room inside. He's also attempting to let you know that he won't have his daughter this weekend which means he's trying to ask you on a—"


Derek hides a grin in his daughter's hair.

"Daddy?" Avery says, rubbing her eyes. "Are we home?"

"Yes Baby. Home and grandpa's here."

Her face lights up and then she sees Derek and Skylar. "Hi. Are you a new friend?"

Skylar looks over and gives a shy smile. "I could be your friend."

The two girls insist on being put down and start talking quietly. Stiles looks at Derek whose eyes are wide with surprise. Then they follow behind their daughters as the girls rush inside.

Derek pauses and glances at Stiles. "So, if I said my older sister is commandeering my daughter for a girl's weekend what would you say?"

Stiles swallows and his cheeks twinge pink. "I-I'd say—" he steels himself. "Would you like to go to dinner with me?"

"Yes. Yes, I would."

They exchange numbers and go inside to find their daughters asleep on the floor with a blanket over the both of them. The Sheriff is in the recliner reading which leaves the couch. Stiles and Derek settle side by side and a little while later Stiles's head is on Derek's shoulder and Derek's arm is around Stiles's shoulders.

This Halloween turned out to be full of treats.

Sterek Week 2022Where stories live. Discover now