Oh Who Is He...

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Mafuyu didn't expect to hear this today or any other day, to be honest

When entering the Sekai like any normal night, she expected the feeling of emptiness, to maybe see Miku once or twice before settling down somewhere to write song lyrics.

But when entering, she felt two other presences. Now normally that would just mean others from the group were there, but Ena and Mizuki were on a date and the only other possible person was Kanade, but she's only one person.


So unless the date went wrong someone else was here with Kanade.


Someone else had joined the Sekai.


Someone Else had joined her Sekai.


Someone else was suffering enough to be in this Sekai.


and Mafuyu wanted to know who.




So Mafuyu started her search around the Sekai, looking for who could be here now. Who was also escaping to the Sekai as an escape from cruel reality.

Finally, she spotted Kanade in a corner of the Sekai, kneeling down next to someone who was lying on the floor looking at the sky.

Mafuyu's chest started to feel warm, replacing the emptiness that settled in her heart constantly. Recently, seeing Kanade, hearing her voice, getting a message, or even hearing someone talk about her made Mafuyu's Chest warm for reasons she couldn't explain.

But that feeling would have to hold off for now, because the person Kanade was previously talking to had sat up now, pulling out their phone as if they were preparing to leave.

Now that they had sat up, Mafuyu could see what exactly this person looked like. They were resembling a teenage boy, around her age.

He had strawberry-blonde hair and a very flashy costume that definitely didn't fit the color scheme of this Sekai. Like something from a play that Mafuyu would see for her birthday when she was younger.

His eyes-

Mafuyu's warm feeling was suddenly replaced with hollowness as she stared at them.

They looked too much like hers for any comfort. Empty and lifeless. Like he had given up like he wanted to also-




But there couldn't be another like her in this world, she was alone with her feelings.

But there was no other explanation for that look, that gaze like he wasn't truly there.

While Mafuyu was away in her own mind, The boy had disappeared back to the regular world before she could get close enough to speak to him.

Kanade sat down on her knees and sighed, looking at the ground with a troubled expression.

The feeling started to return, but not pushing away the hollowness completely. Mafuyu walked closer to Kanade until she was almost right behind her.

Kanade looked up, slightly smiling with relief and happiness at the sight of Mafuyu.

" Mafuyu, I'm happy to see you. Another has-"

" Joined the Sekai, I know. I saw him before. " Mafuyu cut Kanade off, heading straight to the point.

" Oh, did you arrive because of my text? " Kande asked.

" No, I simply came to write lyrics before I saw this. " Mafuyu Replied.

" Well, we have a problem. If you didn't already see his expression, he's emotionless, expressionless. I talked to him and he explained how bored he was, how tired he was, and how much he wanted to-




...there was silence for a bit before Mafuyu spoke up.

" Like me? My thoughts? "

" Yes, I'm afraid so. I promised him if he went home and took care of himself he would be able to talk to you tomorrow after school hours, Of course only if that's okay with you-! "

" I'll show. I'd like to meet this person who says they want to disappear. " Mafuyu replied almost immediately.

"Alright. We will need to tell Ena and Mizuki later. He also mentioned his name is Tsukasa Tenma. " Kanade clarified.

Tenma... I could have sworn I'd heard that name before.

" Well whatever happens, maybe this will end up being a good thing. Maybe you both can discover your true feelings together since you know what each other feels. " Kanade almost whispered to her.

" Perhaps. "

Mafuyu sat down next to Kanade, pulling out the notebook she brought originally to compose lyrics.

" Would you help?" Mafuyu said, nudging her head towards the notebook.

"Oh, uh sure. " Kanade replied, and they started looking over the notebook together.

Kanade and Mafuyu both had new inspiration for a song, with hopes of saving a certain someone


Or so they thought

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