Day 2: Moving Forward

626 13 8

Prompt: Broken Voice / Unable to Speak

Title: Moving Forward

Fandom: Top Gun (1986)

Warnings: N/A

Word Count (excluding author's notes and such): 5,691

Time Period: 1991. During the Gulf War air campaign, an important piece of Operation Desert Storm.

Author's Note: This is a piece inspired by the scene in the original film when we see Maverick packing up his kit, with Stinger asking him where he'll go next. Pete expresses interest in becoming an Instructor back at Top Gun. We later learn in the 2022 film, that he only lasted two months in that role. Now, as the audience, we're led on to believe that he only lasted that short duration because of his usual antics that the Navy obviously doesn't approve of... But what if that wasn't the sole reason for his short time back at Top Gun? I wanted to explore sort of an AU side to things while still drawing on some very plausible history. I also wanted to create some answers at why when we catch up with Pete in the 2022 film, he is alone and isolated. Again, we're led to believe because he's still holding onto Goose, that guilt forces him into this isolated position, but what if those weren't the only reasons?... Enjoy!

(Edit: I likely shouldn't have written this as part of my challenge, but frankly, it's been sitting as an idea for too long now and this prompt gave me the inspiration to write it!)

(Edit No. 2: Holy crap - this might as well have been it's own little short story! I am so sorry for the length of this monstrosity, but I am super happy with how it turned out! It wandered slightly, but I think it went in a good direction... I definitely hurt my own feelings with this one, though.)

Synopsis: Commander Y/N "Oddball" L/N, a woman who usually sticks closely to her instructor role at Top Gun, having graduated second in her class in 1987, finds herself thrown into the fray of Air Combat once again. Though this time, she's leading a Team of current Top Gun pilots into battle alongside none other than Commander Pete "Maverick" Mitchell who has been called back to assist with this Mission. But when their reconnaissance flight heads south and the Y/N finds herself, along with the rest of her pilots, in the midst of an enemy anti-aircraft barrage, will they make it back? Or will this be her final flight?


Moving Forward


That's what they've always called you.


Because you're always a loner.

No matter how hard you try to fit in... even if you wanted to, you just can't.

And frankly, you're fine with that fact.

You work just fine alongside other pilots, teaching them how to become even better than they thought they were before.

But your go against the flow type demeanor always seems to get you in situations you can't quite understand why you're in.

Such as this one.

You'd just landed after one heck of a routine training flight, far more common nowadays with Operation Desert Shield beginning to quickly become Desert Storm, the far more aggressive take towards the rising tension in Iraq.

Or at least, from the bits and pieces you've heard, that's what it certainly sounds like.

"You know," The older, uniformed man sitting behind the desk in front of you mutters, setting aside his cigar, "We had someone along your ways of thinkin' come through here a few years back. Was one hell of a egotistical bastard - you women don't seem to carry that trait."

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