Not So Happy Campers Part Two

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The camera fades into the campers on top of the cliff in their bathing suits joined by Chris. "Today's challenge is three-fold," Chris begins talking to the campers, most of which are looking off the cliff in fear. "Your first task is to jump off of this 1000 foot high cliff into the lake." Bridgette then says something inaudible to Johnny, before Chris starts talking again. "If you look down, you'll see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic, heh heh, man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area which, we're pretty sure, is shark free."

"Excuse me?" LeShawna interrupts.

Chris smirks. "For each member of your team that jumps and actually... survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each create are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge; building a hot tub! The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home." Chris pauses to look at his clipboard that he brought up. "Let's see... Killer Bass, you're up first!" Johnny crosses his arms as he stands with his team.

"So," Gwen starts, catching the attention of both Johnny and Trent. "How many of them do you think will chicken out?" Johnny takes one glance at the Bass team.

"Those two," he says pointing out Courtney and DJ.

"What makes you say that?" Trent inquires, causing Johnny to just look at him.

"Have you seen his reaction to the cliff?" Sure enough, DJ looks off the cliff, and immediately backs up, shaking his head. After explaining his fear of heights, Chris hands DJ a chicken hat, as he makes his way down the mountain via escalator. Wait, when did an escalator get there?

Moving on, the Bass continue to jump, Courtney also chickening out. Johnny notices that neither Sadie nor Izzy have jumped yet.

"Okay, so that's seven jumpers, and two chickens." Chris then checks his clipboard. "Hang on. We're missing two." Johnny looks over to see Sadie and Katie holding hands and Izzy standing near them.

"I'm not jumping without, Katie," Sadie says.

"We have to be on the same team, Chris!" Katie says. The two rush over to Chris and start begging to be on the same team.

"Kill me now," Johnny mumbles underneath all of the begging, getting a chuckle out of Trent.

Eventually, Izzy raises her hand. "I'll switch places with her," she says, ending the begging.

"Alright, fine," Chris huffs. "You're both on the Killer Bass now. Izzy, you're on the Screaming Gophers." Izzy shrugs and walks over to her new team as Katie and Sadie squeal in delight. "That means you're up, girls!"

Katie and Sadie then jump off the cliff. "Okay," Chris says, looking off the cliff before turning back to the remaining teens. "So that's nine jumpers and two chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that, we'll throw in a pull-cart to put your crates on."

"Nice," Trent says before turning to the rest of the Gophers. "So, who's up first?"

The team is silent for a bit. "I'm sorry, there's no way I'm doing this," Heather objects, crossing her arms.

"Why not?" Beth asks.

"Um, hello? National TV. I'll get my hair wet," she says. Johnny looks at her, unimpressed.

"You're kidding, right?" Gwen asks.

"If she's not doing it, I'm not doing it," Lindsay says, looking towards Heather and smiling, who smiles back.

LeShawna then gets in Heather's face. "Oh, you're doing it."

"Says who?" Heather challenges, standing at her full height.

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