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Liani and juliet laughed loudly together in the kitchen at mckays partys. they were surrounded by horny, drunk, and high people, but they pretended like they only saw each other as they'd cheer each other on while one of them was taking shots.

liani currently had her phone out, recording as juliet had three shots lined up, and gagged at her second one. she laughed, throwing her head back before putting her eyes back on her best friend who grabbed her last stop, chugging it down her throat and then slamming it on the counter, throwing her arms up in victory. she had just beat liani, going five seconds faster than she did.

liani huffed, pouring herself a shot as that was the deal for however lost. she chugged it, and then showed juliet the empty cup sarcastically.

juliet rolled her eyes, grabbing onto her hand and leaving the kitchen. they were pulled into the living room, where there were way more people and a bunch of flashing lights, along with party music that liani found annoying.

they two danced along with everyone, the tipsy feeling taking over their body. liani began feeling dizzy from the flashing lights, and tapped juliet's shoulder, "hey, i'm going outside— oh look, romeo!"

juliet's eyebrows furrowed, before she turned to see her boyfriend not too far away from them. juliet turned back around to her best friend, leaning closer to tell her, "lani, those corny ass jokes are getting old."

liani laughed, patting her shoulder and turning her around before pushing her in the direction of her boyfriend, and then making her own way outside.

liani rolled her eyes at the amount of people who were also outside, but continued to walk on the side of pool. she looked for an empty chair, and before spotting one, she also seen fezco.

a smile came to her face, before a shocked one at the sight of rue. she hurried over to the two, "rue! what the fuck, when did you get out of rehab?" she asked, pulling her into a big as rue awkwardly laughed and hugged back.

"uhh, like a week ago?" rue shrugged.

liani pulled away, seeing the blunt that was in her mouth. it wasn't a surprise that even after rehab, rue wasn't sober, so she just smiled at her, nodding. "okay, welllll, i'll see you later!"

fezco watched the younger girl walk off, before sitting down next to rue on the couch that was outside. "you know her?" he asked rue.

"you know her?" rue changed the question around to him.

fezco chuckled, "yeah, gave her a ride home not too long ago.. i think she was drunk or somethin."

rue nodded, pulling the blunt out of her mouth and blowing the smoke out. "yeah, sounds like her."

fezco nodded slowly, before the two started a conversation with rue apologizing for something she had said to him before, and about her overdose.

after a little while of liani sitting in a chair by the pool, watching the water move and the people outside dance, she decided to walk back in the party, find juliet and probably leave.

on the way, she passed troy, mckays little brother. at the sight of her, he grabbed her arm. "hey." he greeted, a smirk on his face.

liani thought troy was insanely attractive, but she hated his cocky attitude and his personality in general. "hey." she greeted anyway.

"you just get here?" he asked.

"no, i've been here for like two hours." she informed him, taking her out of his grip.

he tilted his head to the sight, "oh, ight, see you later?"

she nodded, "sure." and they walked differently directions, liani hearing nate jacobs doing some loud shit in the kitchen.

as she finally found juliet, she was standing not too far from the kitchen, watching nate jacobs as she screamed at a new girl.

liani sighed, standing next to her for a minute to watch, before just shaking her head. she didn't care about him, the things he did were almost always stupid and overall, he was stupid. she did feel bad for the girl, but there was nothing she could do. she didn't stand a chance against nate jacobs. so, she turned to juliet. "i'm leaving, you coming?"

juliet nodded, following behind liani who was already walking towards the front door. the tipsy feeling both of them had was wearing off, so they were fine to walk home.

juliet sent monty a text, letting him know he and liani had left, and the two walked down the side walk in silence, before liani turned to juliet. "ya know, when fez gave me a ride home there was this boy there, and he was very good looking. i think, at least, i don't really remember."

juliet laughed, "did you talk to him?"

"no, he didn't say anything the whole car ride." liani shrugged. "but, troy talked to me earlier."

juliet rolled her eyes at the name of the boy, she hated the way he acted and how he treated most girls. she didn't know why liani had some liking towards him, other than his look, but she was her best friend, she was going to support her even if she eventually made the choice to get with troy. "what did he want?"

"he just asked when i got there, and then he said 'see you later?' but i never did see him, so." liani told her.

juliet nodded, sighing at her migraine and putting her head on lianis shoulder as the two continued to walk. eventually, the two made it back to lianis house, where juliet was going to sleep over.

liani pushed her front door open, seeing the living room still clean from when she cleaned it earlier that day, and walked straight up to her room, that was also clean.

she pulled out some clothes, handing them to juliet so she could change, and then changing herself.

once they both were done they got comfortable in lianis bed, as she put on a show and they got interested in it quickly, until they got tired and fell asleep, letting the show continue to play.


ok more ashtray after this i promise

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