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Liani had missed two days of school, and had ignored all of juliet's messages about where she was, and had been. juliet was worried about her, she prayed that she didn't do something she would regret, or put herself in danger. she knew her best friend, she knew liani didn't care much for herself, and that she'd do whatever no matter if it could put herself in danger or not.

juliet didn't live that close to liani, it would take at least twenty minutes to get there, and her mom refused to take her. but she had to see if liani was home, make sure to was okay.

so, after finally arriving at lianis house, juliet harshly knocked on the door. she stood there impatiently, waiting for the moment her best friend would open the door.

after too many minutes of waiting, juliet brought her hand up to the door handle and twisted it, pushing the door open her heart dropped for a second.

lianis mother sat on the couch, her head leaned back and her eyes shut. juliet now wondered if this is why liani hadn't been at school, if her mom had done something to her again.

juliet fully hated lianis mom, after seeing what she would do to her. she walked quickly up the stairs, and swung open lianis room door, being met with her sleeping, as well.

her room was a mess, and lianis phone was on her table instead of right next to her like it always was.

juliet didn't want to wake up liani, she looked exhausted, even when sleeping. and even though she missed her, and wanted to ask her what was going on, she couldn't wake her up. so instead, she ripped out a piece of paper from a notebook that was in her room, and wrote her a note.

i came to make sure you're okay, but you're sleeping and i'm not going to wake you up. pls call me when you wake up tho, i miss you.
and i saw your mom is home, did she hurt you?
i love you


she left the note by lianis phone, before sighing and walking back out of her house.

liani had slept all day, meaning it was night time, the time she woke up

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liani had slept all day, meaning it was night time, the time she woke up. she walked out of her room, missing the note she didn't know juliet had left her, and heading for her kitchen.

"thought you weren't here."

liani quickly raised her head, seeing her mother sitting on her couch. the fear that her mother would hurt her again, quickly came to liani but she just took a step back, not wanting her mom to see that she was afraid of her.

she let out a scoff, quickly turning around and heading back up to her room. she heard her mom say something behind her, but she didn't bother to stop and listen.

liani grabbed her phone off of her table, seeing the note next to it. she quickly read over it, immediately feeling guilty for ignoring juliet all this time.

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