Part 1

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Me and Wisdom set off to epheodeos. It was a long day and I was tired. We had to walk what felt like miles through the unfamiliar land.
But we finally made it to the palace.
It was beautiful.
A dragon sculptures circled the top of the long crystal white towers and the glowing golden roofs. These places were truly made for the gods.
Were walked by many mindful servants who seemed to scowl at my existence.
I rolled my eyes at the reminder of the pridefulness of the people here.

We walked through the main heavily guarded gate which I thought would take awhile but as soon as they saw Wisdom the didn't give it another thought.

Every inch of the hall walls seemed to be carefully designed with delicate precision.
We came across another pair of large golden doors that screamed "If your looking for the most powerful being, he's right in here."

The two people in front of them had scars covering there faces and had a deadly malice to them.
"Is this the human our lord requested?" The women questioned.
"That's right,"
"I have a name you know."
Wisdom gave me a warning look but turned my head away not caring.
They raised gave me a dirty look like everyone else on this damn continent.
They let us through and I didn't bother looking back.
The large throne sat in the middle of the far end of the large space.

And the person seated was who I was guessing as Kazess. He had long while hair, a sharp jawline, and jewels lining around his ears and neck.
He looked to be in his twenties but I knew he was far older.

"My lord." Wisdom bowed. The man seemed to look me up and down. He seemed to stare a bit to long for my liking but I had to keep up a good face.

Sylvie was still in my arms sleeping. "Is that my granddaughter?" He got up from his throne and started coming down the small stairs that led to them.
"No actually, it's a golem." My voice laced with sarcasm. Wisdom elbowed me in the side making me hunch over.
"Yes, this is your granddaughter, my lord. I apologize for this humans behavior, I will see to it that he gets punished."
"No need." Kazess began. "He humors me."
I was surprised at his composure at my snarky behavior.

Wisdom took Sylvie out of my arms and went to hand her to him but he walked right past the both of them and went straight to me.
Wisdom seemed to be just as surprised as me.
He leaned into my face making me bend my back to an ungodly position.
I started to fall but he caught me by my waist.
"Be careful," I looked into his deep purple eyes trying to figure out what he was thinking.

I stood straight and cleared my throat. "Don't you want to see Sylvie?" I asked.
"I will," he brushed the back of his hand against my cheek. I started to turn light pink at the contact I wasn't used to.
Finally he turned away and swooped Sylvie out of Wisdoms arms and sat back in his throne.
I gave Wisdom a confused shrug
And waited for what he was to say next.

Idk why I'm writing this kind of shit.

Your the only one kazessxArthurWhere stories live. Discover now