Part 2

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"For now, I will personally take care of my granddaughter."  Kazess announced.
"Wait! When will I get to see her?"
"Let me finish, i will have Mr Leywin come to my study every two days to work with me."

"But sir, why would you let this mere human have that hono- "ENOUGH" I wasn't expecting the sudden outburst and jumped. Kazess glanced at me, and when no one was looking I saw a very small and practically unnoticeable apology play out on his lips.

I wasn't used to people apologizing to me so I just smiled and gave a light nod.

"Do not question my decisions Wisdom" he said sternly.
"My apologies, my lord"
After a little more discussing we took one last bow and went to leave.
I took one last look behind me only to see him staring at me. I quickly turned my head back ignoring what felt like a target on my back.

Me and Wisdom took a long walk through the woods to one of my other trainers. "How long is his going to take?"
"We are almost there, child." I rolled my eyes and we continued to walk for another couple of hours. Finally, we arrived.
It was a..... tree stump?
I felt a push and I got sucked into a portal.
I ended up landing on my poor ass again but quickly regained my footing.
"Welcome human."

I groggily got up questioning my existence.
Me and Kordri, my trainer, has been in the mind scape for a couple of months but in reality it was only two days. we would've been in longer if not for my meeting with Kazess.
I got up with wobbly legs and rubbed my eyes to wake my body up.

I arrived at the castle in a couple moments thanks to Wisdom. I was pointed the directions to his study which I quickly memorized.
I passed the walls full of gold and marvelous paintings, and scrolls of all sorts.
I almost missed the door with my wondering eyes.

I opened the door and saw him sitting at his large polished wooden desk.
I cleared my throat and he looked up breaking his focus. "Come" I obediently did as he said.
"Sit" i tried to look for a chair near me but didn't see one.
I assumed he wanted me to sit on the floor so I started to slowly fall when I heard a small chuckle.
"Not there, here" he pointed at the room that was stuck between him and the arm of the chair.
"You want me to sit there?"
"Yes" he said before having his focus go back to the large stacks of paper that lined his desk top. I hesitantly went around the desk and squished myself in the very small space.
He had to be uncomfortable with me so close, but if he was he didn't show it.

A couple of minutes went past with nothing but the sound of papers and the sound of light handwriting.
"So, ummm, what do you want me to do"
He handed me a pen and pointed his free hand at one of the stacks of documents.
I sighed and reached up to get the first paper at the top of the stack.

Sorry about the long wait
I was busy screwing up my life.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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