No_7 Back to school!

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Update back to back because my brain is overflowing with ideas

Its been 2 months since everyone went to the amusement park. After I... had a realization, it took me a while to process the information. 2 whole months, actually. In that time, I still hung out with master Iruma and Clara. I felt.. odd with master Iruma. I was cautious of his every move, every turn he took, every word he spoke, every smile he showed every- I think you get the idea.

I was able to stay unnoticed for summer break, but now that we had to meet 5 days a week, I was nervous. On break, we hung out but not so constantly. Could I keep my act up for five days straight? Repeatedly?? The night before back to school, I didn't sleep at all. I was to busy thinking about how to deal with my problem. Before I knew it, the sun was rising. Needless to say, I had heavy eye bags that morning. With absolutely no solution. You know, lately I feel as if I've had that a lot. Problems I think about endlessly in which I can't find a solution for.
Well at this point, I just suck it up and deal with it. I'll just do what I did before. -That is, putting on an act. We're not gonna talk about how all my prior statements were thrown out the window there. I don't work well sleepless...


As per usual, me and Clara had stopped at master Iruma's place so we could walk together.
"Woah!! Azz-kun, did you not get any sleep? You look like a zombie!"
"I don't wanna talk about it..." I tried my best to avoid Clara's question, but I think the answer was crystal clear.
"Young master Iruma will arrive shortly." Said whom I remember to be someone who worked for the headmaster. Opera, was it?
Much to his word, master Iruma did arrive shortly. He looked slightly disheveled, he probably had to rush. I decided not to comment on his appearance, as I had no right to talk.
"Good morning master Iruma!!" Me and Clara said in unison. When master Iruma heard us, he seemed relieved.
"G-good morning you guys!!"
"Ohh? Hey Irumachi, why did your face get so happy right there? It went like, boom! Super happy! Woosh!" Clara proceeded to make hand gestures that me nor master Iruma understood, but didn't question. Normally, I would interfere and say something, but I was rather curious as well.
"Haha... Its just that, I'm so happy we can all talk together like this again. I really did miss this..." He looked away, seemingly embarrassed. Hearing master Iruma say that, made me incredibly happy. I believe it had the same affect on Clara, guessing by the look on her face.
"Of course, why would it change?" I said, with my eyes closed and relaxed.
"Ha, I guess your right!"
"-Young master Iruma, I don't mean to interrupt this heartfelt moment, but if you leave for school any later then this, you'll be late. If you walk, that is." Their seemed to be a little sparkle next to Opera's face when he said the last part, or maybe I'm just seeing things.
"A-ah! You're right! I'd rather not use the carriage... C'mon, lets get going!" After that we started to slightly speed walk to school. It was cute how master Iruma kindly refused the hint to use the carriage.
-And then i realized, that without even knowing it, I had a interaction with master Iruma. Without being a nervous mess! You know, maybe this whole acting thing won't be needed. Maybe I just need to go with the flow. This whole hiding my feelings thing might be easier then I thought!

Oh how wrong I was.

What'd I'd do for you -Welcome to demon school Iruma kun! - Iruma x AliceWhere stories live. Discover now