hospital care

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(Recommended to read while listening to song/music to have more fun reading)

After 25mins the doctor came out of the icu and came towards the three of them and said

Doctor : sir I have healed all her cuts which was on her stomach and covered it with bandages she is okay now once she will wake up u all can go see her (the doctor bowed and left)

Jennie's mom : did the doctor just said cuts in her stomach!!!???(she said getting up from the chair worriedly)

Taehyung : umm eomma yes she do had cuts on her stomach...(he said sadly)

Jennie's mom : But why would someone do that to her I wanna see her I can't stay here anymore pls let me go see her taehyung....

Jungkook : 어머님 pls stay calm once jennie will be awake we can go see her but until that we have to wait...

Taehyung and jungkook calmed her down

Time skips 2 hours later

The three of them came in jennie's room as she woke up...

Jungkook : jennie how are u feeling now!?? (He said in concern)

Jennie : I'm better than before (she said in a weak voice)

Jennies mom : jennie my daughter how did this happened to u who did this with u look at how weak u are....

Jennie : eomma I will tell u what happend when I'm completely well because before that I have to do something else....

Jennies mom : okk jennieah u take rest I'm with u okay...

Jennie : okay eomma

Taehyung : wait jennie let me give u water (he got a glass and poured water in it) here...

Jungkook made jennie sit up and he took the glass from taehyung and jungkook made jennie drink the water

Jungkook : take much rest as u want until u are completely well ok

Jennie nodded

Jennies mom : jennie u must be hungry right taehyung go and get something for jennie to eat from the convenience store...

Taehyung : ok eomma I'll go (then he left)

Jennie's mom : jennie I will ask the doctor about ur medicine's ok (she stood up and left the room)

Now jungkook was sitting next to jennie holding her hand)

Jungkook : jennie I'm really really sorry it all happened cus of me if I wouldn't have let u go alone this wouldn't have happened I'm such a jerk!

Jennie : it's not ur fault kook don't blame urself just forget about it

Jungkook : ok jennie and don't worry I'll take full care of u and tell me if u need anything hmm...(he said with a slight smile)

Jennie nodded

Jennie : jungkook

Jungkook : yes jennie

Jennie : do u think he did this to me because of the past? (She said looking at him)

Jungkook : I'm not sure but I think yes

Jennie : could it be because of what my dad did to him and his family?

Jungkook paused for few secs and thought about it

Jungkook : maybe yea and even if ur dad did this he and his family deserved it

Ok so flashback 3 years before after jennie broke up with Jackson she told her parents everything about him like how he was making her uncomfortable by his touches and he only wanted her for his needs and he didn't loved her for her and her parents were really angry and shocked about it especially her dad and in the school and other places Jackson used to speard rumors about jennie and his family like her dad went to jail when jennie was young and he is a criminal he murdered people and jennie is adopted and she belongs to a homeless family and other more rumors which made jennies dad's company go in loss cus the people who sighed contracts with her dads company as the people got fooled and thought it was real for months her dads company was like this but her dad had enough and he said to the media and people about the true secret which was that his dad built his company on an illegal land and he used black money to build his company and buy everything which is in his company Jackson's dad told jennies dad to keep the secret between the only two since they both were business partners but for what they did to him and his family he said this and after the government and everyone found out about this jacksons dad was sent to jail and his company was destroyed as it was on an illegal land so Jackson kidnapped jennie to kill her to take revenge but thankfully failed........

Few mins later taehyung came with a bag of food

Taehyung : here jennie have this so u can have ur medicine after this first drink this juice y'll feel better (he gave the juice to her) and her is this is porridge I heated it in the microwave there u can eat this now (he kept it on the sight table near her bed)

Meanwhile her mom also came with medicine

Jennies mom : jennieah I bought ur medicine have this after u eat ok y'll be well soon

Jennie : thank u eomma jungkook and taehyung oppa for taking care of me (she said with a slight smile)

Jennies mom : jennie don't say thank u we are ur family right...then no sorry and no thank u hmm..(she said with a smile)

After jennie ate her food and had the medicine taehyung had to go to college tomorrow so he left now there was jennie's mom and jungkook left her mom told jungkook he can go but he insists her that to let him stay so they both are staying at the hospital with jennie

____________to be continue_________

Written by kimjisookimvsoo
Date of publish 25/10/22

What do u think will happen next to know that stay tuned thanks for reading byeee.....

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